

Well-known member
May 23, 2011
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hi lads just wondering if anyone can help i'm lookin at gettin my pts ticket but most sites say i need to get sponsered! is this rite and if if is how do i do it, also anyone got a rough idea of prices i'm in cumbria aswell so if ya no a local company to me would be great if ya could let me know!!
Hi Steve it is correct you do need a sponsor who deals in railway industry you will still have to pay for yourself beacon labour services who I used they are based in Essex . I have had mine for six months and still not used it
Start with a search for pts courses these people should be able to give you details of a sponsor in your area. I paid about 375 with medical then three days off
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Iv been looking to do my pts aswell but cheapest i found was £350 but time i have 3days off work its short of a grand its alot of money.
Theres places you can get it done in 2 days, I got mine done in 2 day
There was a PTS post on here at least 6 months ago maybe longer , It was a company who did pts training without needing a sponsor or summit like that, try doing search for pts posts , possibly posted by dave b
Have you tried the NTS Group?
They do PTS training, but they are based down here in Essex.

I also believe they sponsor you. :)
A lot of the training providers can provide the sponser as well now, I did mine with a company from Broxburn, Edinburgh and they sponsered me through it too
stretchey is right! it is a two day course but you also need a medical which i had to take a day off for as i wanted it done sharpish.
You first need a full medical at a cost of around £110 your medical will last for 10 years then you can book a 2 day course for your AC/DC PTS at a cost of around £380 your card will last for 3 years. If you wear glasses (no contact lenses) or you have an hearing aid you will have to wear them and you will have a small green triangle on your card.
And yes you need a sponsor from the main contractor who you will be working for on the railway.
My 1st Pts only lasted 2 years renewing it tomorrow in Cardiff. You also need a piss test Drug's/Alcohol
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