ppe relaxed

fix up look sharp

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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heard a rumour that all the major building firms in the uk are getting together and relaxing their ppe requirements by getting us to sign disclaimers i assume this means gloves and glasses cant see hard hats and harnesses being included anyone else heard this
Alright fix up, I personally have'nt heard of any proposed changes to ppe requirements on the horizion, But i do know that ppe is the last form of defence to employees in the control of risk / hazard hierachy, so if company's wanted to downgrade there ppe requirements, they would have to just about eliminate every identifed hazard in there particular work place first, so there was no risk assessed hazards that required the need to wear ppe, ie light eye protection / gloves, etc.

If we went down that route Health & Safety would be more of a pain in the arse than it already is. only my opinion tho!
i didnt believe it myself i think companies are getting fed up with this blame culture wev adopted from america seems everyone thinks their entitled to something
Doubt it, Site management have the ultimate duty of care for your welfare, dont think their insurance companies would be happy with it, also in the event of a court case resulting from an accident even if you signed a disclaimer, the legal people would tear it to shreds arguing that each individual may have a different level of intelligence and comprehension of the risks on site. Could'nt see it being allowed.
thats why its a rumour lol think health and safety is spot on its all in our best interest apart from scaff steps!
thats why its a rumour lol think health and safety is spot on its all in our best interest apart from scaff steps!

This health & safety man dont agree with the step, i am sure the step will eventually get found out, once a few falls from scaffstep, statistics start getting collated & published.

The dodgey step will bring about its own downfall (pun intended):idea:
1m lifts on price, that's the way forward boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you need 3 points of contact when accepting the bacon butty while standing on the step?
fukc the step, lets hope its next on hanks list
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAU-MaQRXPM&feature=relmfu]YouTube - Chainsaw vs. Rapper Book (Bushido )[/ame]
Doe's anyone know who is ultimatley responsible for the introduction of the dreaded / death trap scaff step??? wot of a potential "claim" that is because any piece of work equipment that as obviously not got a PUWER assessment with it, is a fuc*ing liability I seriously think the step could be challenged in a civil court, it would probably help if 1 or 2brothers took a dive to help the situation. Know what i mean dodgey steps?????????? and all that.
I personally don't think anyone will have to do it on purpose i think its an accident waiting to happen.
Time will tell, i hope the first few aren't that bad before its banned.
Doe's anyone know who is ultimatley responsible for the introduction of the dreaded / death trap scaff step??? wot of a potential "claim" that is because any piece of work equipment that as obviously not got a PUWER assessment with it, is a fuc*ing liability I seriously think the step could be challenged in a civil court, it would probably help if 1 or 2brothers took a dive to help the situation. Know what i mean dodgey steps?????????? and all that.

The NASC and a few cheeky monkeys.
Used to wear my harness (supposed to) from start of day to finish, just wear it above 4mtrs now, even though it is no good till 6.5m anyway, i just tell the bosses i am saving them money by not continually abraiding the fabric uneccesarily wearing it while humping tube.
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