power stations


Jun 2, 2010
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I am looking to get offshore or into a power station.. anyone know any contacts they can give me..

iv been trying to get offshore for over a year now and it just seems to be a nightmare.

ive been foning that number evryday for a week now and it just keeps ringing out any other numbers to try boomer
i e mailed my cv to them and they e mailed me back straight away saying they dont reply to people personally cos of their gettin them all the time but your details go on record and if you dont get a reply within a week you havent been selected but your details stay for future reference
its recruitment.onshore@capeplc.com
try salamis for offshore work sure i seen a post on here the other day for them wantin men for off shore havent got their number but you should get it off their website sure its the aberdeen office you,ll want good luck mate
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Aberdeen or Teesside.
I am looking to get offshore or into a power station.. anyone know any contacts they can give me..

iv been trying to get offshore for over a year now and it just seems to be a nightmare.


Contact the maintenance manager at your local power station and ask who does the scaffolding. You got a better chance of getting a start as a local as many of the blue chip energy companies now have local environmental and economic policys in operation which state contractors must give priority to local labour where possible .

There are abuses of this with people rocking up in an area during an outtage or major project claiming to be locals :mad:
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