Possible start in the Dutch sector (Offshore)


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2011
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Great Yaaarmouth
E-mail I just got off a friend:

My email address is laura.harney@peglobal.net
<mailto:laura.harney@peglobal.net> if you would like to send through your
CV and certs I can save them on the system here.

Have you previously worked in the Dutch Sector ****? What is your
availability at the moment?

We have been given the duration of the contract and this is 1.5 years + and
it will be on a 2/2 rotation. I do not know the start date just yet.

Kindest regards,

Laura Harney

Recruitment Consultant

LL: +353 21 4297900|Fax: +353 21 4297943

Recruitment Agency for the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Oil & Gas, Construction, Mining & Minerals Sectors - PE Global, Ireland <http://www.peglobal.net/>
What rig you on pal?.
I used to work wi a lad years ago called herbie sermond, he was based out on the amada hub a gas rig i think. Just wondering if you crossed paths.
The Dutch sector is a good foot hold for British scaffs. They love us out there as you can get your supervisor ticket in 3 days in the Netherlands. Depending on your level of English that is.
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