
Would be nice ifthe collages showed you a completed one so you knew
What yours should look like
I've got a completed one you can borrow if your near the harlow area.
I ain't far from Harlow crazynutta is yours a
Magenta scheme portfolio ?
Well getting evidence not really the problem
It's putting it all together and how it should be
Filled in etc
I never did any of the jobs in the portfolio, just borrowed a mates company logo and pasted it on all my Tool box talks company letter etc and used my imagination to make the unit jobs dimensions up even got my missus to sign all the units off, obviously cloning the company owners signature.

its not big and its not clever but it is very easy to (blag) sort your own portfolio out even if you ain't still working in the game.... the hardest part was handing over £480 for the 2 day assessment which I did in half a day, as I knew the assessor so he didn't need to see me do the practical...Simples
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