Polish Scaffolders


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
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Just round the corner
IDH poszukuje kandydata na stanowisko Projektant Rusztowan. Idealnym kandydatem dla nas bylby montazysta rusztowan, ktory chcialby zostac projektantem. Od kandydata oczekujemy min 2letniego doswiadczenia przy montazu rusztowan w UK, min. sredniego wyksztalcenia, znajomosci jez. Angielskiego w stopniu dobrym w mowie i pismie, matematyki na poziomie technikum lub liceum oraz podstawowej znajomosci programow komputerowych. Miejscem pracy bedzie nasze biuro w Maidstone, a w zakresie obowiazkow: spotkania z klientami (glownie w Londynie i okolicach), omawianie zakresu prac, koordynacja budowy z biurem projektowym i projektantami. Dodatkowym zaresem obowiazkow bedzie koordynacja pomiedzy naszym biurem w Maidstone a biurem projektowym w Krakowie i pracujacymi tam inzynierami. W zamian oferujemy pelne przeszkolenie w zakresie projektowania rusztowan, atrakcyjne zarobki oraz prace w milym zespole.
IDH is looking for a candidate for the post of designer scaffolds . The ideal candidate for us would be editor scaffolding , which would like to become a designer. Candidate expect min 2letniego experience with scaffolding in the UK , min . secondary education , knowledge of the Lake . English to a good in speech and writing , mathematics at technical college or high school and basic knowledge of computer programs . The place of work will be our office in Maidstone and obligations related to : meetings with clients ( mainly in and around London ) , discussing the scope of work , coordination of the construction office design and designers. Zares additional duties will be coordination between our office in Maidstone and the design office in Krakow and engineers working there . In return we offer full training in the design of scaffolding , attractive salary and work in a nice team.

IDH yn chwilio am ymgeisydd ar gyfer swydd y sgaffaldiau dylunydd . Byddai'r ymgeisydd delfrydol i ni fod yn sgaffaldiau golygydd , a fyddai'n hoffi i ddod yn ddylunydd . Ymgeisydd ei ddisgwyl profiad min 2letniego gyda sgaffaldiau yn y DU, min . addysg uwchradd , gwybodaeth am y Llyn . Saesneg i dda lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig , mathemateg mewn coleg technegol neu ysgol uwchradd a gwybodaeth sylfaenol o raglenni cyfrifiadurol . Bydd y fan gwaith fydd ein swyddfa yn Maidstone a rhwymedigaethau sy'n ymwneud â : cyfarfodydd gyda chleientiaid (yn bennaf yn Llundain a'r cyffiniau ) , yn trafod cwmpas y gwaith , cydlynu o'r dyluniad a dylunwyr swyddfa adeiladu. Bydd Zares dyletswyddau ychwanegol yn cydlynu rhwng ein swyddfa yn Maidstone a swyddfa dylunio yn Krakow a pheirianwyr sy'n gweithio yno . Yn gyfnewid , rydym yn cynnig hyfforddiant llawn wrth ddylunio sgaffaldiau , cyflog deniadol a gweithio mewn tîm 'n glws.
Its quite simple really just use the google translation app lol.....bit cheeky though putting it all in polish ��
If they need to have good English why did they need to put it in Polish
So us brits don't apply.

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Alan, is there anything you can't explain or give advise on!! Haha!

1) How to stop a receding Hair Line!!
2) How to hit a golf ball out of the middle!!

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 AM ----------

Its quite simple really just use the google translation app lol.....bit cheeky though putting it all in polish ��

It's not knowing the answers that matters, it's knowing where to find them :)
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I am indeed conversant in a multitude of languages Mr. Reade, but unfortunately by bilingual brilliance dose not extend to that particular tongue.

Hense such, i shall promptly demote my self to the rank of Labourer and begin the arduous task of gaining yet another dialect, essential in the modern construction industry.
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i can speak polish..kiwi,brasso,& cherryblossom..what a coont!!!
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