Please help!!


Active member
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Wood Green, North London
Does anybody have any idea of the best way to get into scaffolding, I have no experience, so obviously as a labourer? Im struggling to get a job with no experience, but how am I supposed to get experience?!! Catch 22! Im hard working and am really wanting to give it a good go!
Any advice would be much appreciated lads!
ask around some of the smaller firms and see what they say. if you work hard and keep your head down it'll be noticed that you've got potential as a scaffolder.
usually helps having family in the industry... 75% of the lads ive known have all got into it that way myself included very rare jobs get advertised.. this day n age its hard enough for a scaffolder to get work. but actually going round the yards is definatley the best way... good luck! ;)
you dont say how old you are. if i was you i would find another trade? been doing this job for 23 yrs and its not gettin any easier.but good luck any how
why dont you find another trade , if its too haRD. my sons are both scaffolding if they dont stick at school . i never signed on in over 10 year , cant be that bad a trade
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24 years and its give me a good living, met some great lads met some fukcin d1ckheads, better than being a brickie.

we all moan about this that and other safety regs etc, but if its new to you, you know no different,
I fukcing hate this game :nuts::nuts:
I just took a young lad on who was at the door of my house looking for a start, every time we did a job on the street he was over asking for work and finally he started stalking my wee mate asking if he would put in a good word for him. I eventually had to give him a kick of the ball just for persistence. Good luck with the search and don't take no for an answer.
Thanks lads for all comments! I'm 25, don't fancy another trade route, would take a long time to start earning and I've got a mortgage and bills to pay!!
Well u sound keen enough good luck mate
I had a lad that i used to employ, he left and went to work for some one else. it didnt work out, so he phoned me. i told him i was quiet nothing doing, he phoned a few more times same answer. next week monday morning at 7am, i get to the yard he is stood there waiting, asking if i needed him that day. turned out that I could use him that Day, as someone failed to turn in. upshot is he is still here and doing well. I like a tryer. so dont take no for an answer.
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