peoples pension !!!!


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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appologies if this has been covered over the last 4 weeks ive had the peoples pension taken out of my wages some may wish to carry on having this taken out of there wages thou its only a few pound each week it soons mounts up to a few hundred quid a year thou your firm payes into your peoples pension I don't want it as down the line there bound to tax or screw you as the government don't give you nothing for nothing!!! I rang my wages department and asked to be opted out which she replied you cant until you receive your leter through post. so today I received this booklet which all should get unfortunately all numbers are not recognised even the email address is not working to stop the opt out option!! so ive sent them a email with my problem to anybody else had this problem. yes may be good for some but I don't wish to join the peoples pension . anybody else opting out the peoples pension
It is a total con,what it really is is an extra tax,when you come to cash it in in years to come it probably won't even be there,I would advise everyone to opt out.
I got my booklet through yesterday not looked at it but I know I don't want it.
bankers will make bundles out of this scam and as lee rightly pointed out it will not be worth a bean just like most peoples savings and pensions due to the last crash
i thought the state pension was the PEOPLES PENSION;)
well got through and cancelled mine as we were moveing phone was off thus the reason number wasn't being recognised what a dinlo!! any way you can opt out takes 3 mins on phone but your need your customer number cheecky barskets any money your owed can take up to 8 weeks to get back wonder if there tax you again on it least its only peanuts at this stage. there gana make milliions from the peoples pensions imagine how much interest the coffers are going to make on it whilsts it floating in there bank accounts
public sector workers dont no get taxted on there contributions but private sector pensions do but your pension provider claims back 20% of you contribution back so basically your still losing out you may think 80%plus 20% the pension providers claim back is 100% of what you paid in but its not.
for every £100 you pay in you are taxed at 20% so that leaves you 80% when you provider claims the 20% of the £80 back it is £16 so that make your pension worth £96 after tax losig of £4 in every 100 thats how i have read and understood it .

if your in a situation were you could remortage or better still buy another propperty out rite all be it a smaller propperty, this it the best way i think for saving for you retirment the rent on the second home will come close to or will cover the remortage cost and when thats paid off in 20 years so if at 40 you dedided to do it you will then have 2 home bourght and paid for and in to your 60 have the choise of selling 1 and living off that or continu to rent it out to boost you monthly income and still leaving a great inheritance for you children but dont for get to plad it in there names well b4 you die as then there no inhertancence tax and the fuker can not take it off you if you need care later on in live after 5 years
Morning lee ive only just picked up on this thread it is truly an under the carpet secret tax in respect of my father who worked all his life and never used the state for hand outs retired from his career at the age of 65 he saw 6months of retirement before he sadly passed away now in all fairness iam not saying at 65 its all over for everyone but in light of our industry which is very physical the strains of our work will all get the better of us,so lets say some pass away at 65 some make it alittle longer what happens to those who have paid into the work related pension the person in question who as passed away does this money go to his widow or does it go back into the treasury I would say the widow or next of kin will see fek all.
All this is, is yet another way of prolonging the inevitable crash of the black hole were already in with these tw@ts that have run the country bled it till it is dry and we the working man yet again are footing the bill for their incompetent greed of milking the system for decades that feken son of Margaret thatcher couldn't even find is way across a dessert in a straight line but yet when she was on the throne of power he won a 10million pound government contract funded by the tax payer now as a tax payer and between the banks and your company and you ran into difficulties I would sooner see the tax payer bail you out and not the banks as they use the tax payer as a free funded payroll for them to dip their greedy hands into when they fek up with their multi million pounds bonuses the rich get richer the tax payer gets taxed more so in relation to this worked place pension I would opt out of this under cover tax and let them fall into their own cesspit of shyte when the time comes scc
Morning lee ive only just picked up on this thread it is truly an under the carpet secret tax in respect of my father who worked all his life and never used the state for hand outs retired from his career at the age of 65 he saw 6months of retirement before he sadly passed away now in all fairness iam not saying at 65 its all over for everyone but in light of our industry which is very physical the strains of our work will all get the better of us,so lets say some pass away at 65 some make it alittle longer what happens to those who have paid into the work related pension the person in question who as passed away does this money go to his widow or does it go back into the treasury I would say the widow or next of kin will see fek all.
All this is, is yet another way of prolonging the inevitable crash of the black hole were already in with these tw@ts that have run the country bled it till it is dry and we the working man yet again are footing the bill for their incompetent greed of milking the system for decades that feken son of Margaret thatcher couldn't even find is way across a dessert in a straight line but yet when she was on the throne of power he won a 10million pound government contract funded by the tax payer now as a tax payer and between the banks and your company and you ran into difficulties I would sooner see the tax payer bail you out and not the banks as they use the tax payer as a free funded payroll for them to dip their greedy hands into when they fek up with their multi million pounds bonuses the rich get richer the tax payer gets taxed more so in relation to this worked place pension I would opt out of this under cover tax and let them fall into their own cesspit of shyte when the time comes scc

I am now 65 and claiming my company pension. Irrespective of when I die my wife will continue to recover the meagre amount I recieve. Over the years I have kept my paperwork issued by the providers and can confirm the pay out value started dropping in the mid 1990's. If hindsight were foresight I would have done just as Marra says and bought property for rental income instead. (filled with rent paying eastern europeans) After the initial purchase the rental income should repay the mortgage. Eventually providing you as the owner an income - but the taxman still has his sticky little fingers in the pot so best buy a couple of properties to compensate.
public sector workers dont no get taxted on there contributions but private sector pensions do but your pension provider claims back 20% of you contribution back so basically your still losing out you may think 80%plus 20% the pension providers claim back is 100% of what you paid in but its not.
for every £100 you pay in you are taxed at 20% so that leaves you 80% when you provider claims the 20% of the £80 back it is £16 so that make your pension worth £96 after tax losig of £4 in every 100 thats how i have read and understood it .

if your in a situation were you could remortage or better still buy another propperty out rite all be it a smaller propperty, this it the best way i think for saving for you retirment the rent on the second home will come close to or will cover the remortage cost and when thats paid off in 20 years so if at 40 you dedided to do it you will then have 2 home bourght and paid for and in to your 60 have the choise of selling 1 and living off that or continu to rent it out to boost you monthly income and still leaving a great inheritance for you children but dont for get to plad it in there names well b4 you die as then there no inhertancence tax and the fuker can not take it off you if you need care later on in live after 5 years

Not quite true any more marra, you are on about the old discretionary trust, which the fekers have just changed to a property trust, they can now take half of the savings/property from your kiddywinks to pay for care etc.:mad:
Don't forget lads,your pension and benefits from the goverment is dictated by how much money you have coming in,so if you were a saver and did get a tiny pension you would get no council tax rebate,if you were a Roma who just did nothing but beg and sell the big issue you would get full council tax benefit,best bet is to keep your cash under your bed and declare poverty,makes no odds to me cos i'm retiring to Vietnam in 20 years,presuming I live that long that is.
Don't forget lads,your pension and benefits from the goverment is dictated by how much money you have coming in,so if you were a saver and did get a tiny pension you would get no council tax rebate,if you were a Roma who just did nothing but beg and sell the big issue you would get full council tax benefit,best bet is to keep your cash under your bed and declare poverty,makes no odds to me cos i'm retiring to Vietnam in 20 years,presuming I live that long that is.

well thats it me dads uncle paid in to a private pension and now with him been a council tennent has to pay he own way and work out that his worse off with the pension than with out . liek out have said under the bed. and if you going to have a pension make sure you own your own home or liek uncle bob lol youll be worse off.

you might be rite spanner man it may have just whent up to 11 years best thing to do is get that ill you have to be funded by health 3 or 4 things rong with you other wise you will be funded threw social services physical disablitityes or older adults and then they will take every thing off you other than about 14.000 well i say take it off you make you contributs a high % that lowers as your saving lower until you hit 14.000 but if saving are below 25k i think you also get it fully funded. but again theres not pokets in shrowds lads enjoy it whle you have it
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