Payco cis, info,,wages mob,"hoods"


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2010
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Been given forms to fill out, by an agency for my wages,,,,seems strange to me PAYCO SOLUTIONS FOR SUB CONTRACTORS

Maybe cause av never had to work for them,before av always steared clear,,

things have changed now last 10 years and all the work here seems to be agency

They want to deduct me for self employed contractors insurance, which i was wondering if anyone knew how much this was,,,,and if id be betta with my own

always had liability ins,,afore,,but That was for a trade

also they want to deduct personal accident ins,separately.

what else do agencies deduct from ya wages???


Need to get in writing what deductions they are going to make. They sometimes deduct public liability, accident insurance & a handling charge. Quite often if you can you are better off on PAYE through an agency.

Need to get in writing what deductions they are going to make. They sometimes deduct public liability, accident insurance & a handling charge. Quite often if you can you are better off on PAYE through an agency.


handling charge:D,,theyve got us by the boz eh?

Stewart,,,they asked me what i prefer,,i said cis,,as a was self employed for 23 years before and always thought it was betta,,,more money in ma bin

al need to fone him tomorrow and see whats the difference, Av never worked paye afore so just said what i knew,,,though never agencied it afore either

cheers matey

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------

loads of threads on this , on for an agency paid by another firm . ever more chance of your wages being fooked up

sound,s like a dodge, a know about the wages messes,,av read horror stories on ere,
thing is allan if a dont go down the agency road, am idle

hope it doesnt happen,
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