part 1

I take it this will be your first visit Wayne? I deduced that as if you had been there before you would not be so excited. Enjoy it though and don't accept life in the slow lane, a breeding ground for slackers but if you are keen and show willing it shouldn't be too hard to stand head and shoulders above the rest, good luck.
2nd time round

I take it this will be your first visit Wayne? I deduced that as if you had been there before you would not be so excited. Enjoy it though and don't accept life in the slow lane, a breeding ground for slackers but if you are keen and show willing it shouldn't be too hard to stand head and shoulders above the rest, good luck.

exactly why i cant wait, as soon as i get this out of the way im only 6 mth awy from part 2! been once before mate didnt complete due to illness, i got out of hospital and the firm had went bust, hows that for shet luck ha ha. so im chuffed mate, aberdeens a goldmine if ye like a graft! ;)
aberdeen may indeed be a gold mine if you like to graft but not at scaffolding and the promise of a part 2 in 6 months sticks in a few throats on here.learn yer game properly as certs and cards dont make the scaff. scaffolding lasts a lifetime thats a lifetime of earning the big bucks ;)best of luck and take your time as theres more to scaffolding than 2 week courses just ask jaque custeau O<MAY
I can confirm it did take me more than 6 months to learn the game.
epic fail!

aberdeen may indeed be a gold mine if you like to graft but not at scaffolding and the promise of a part 2 in 6 months sticks in a few throats on here.learn yer game properly as certs and cards dont make the scaff. scaffolding lasts a lifetime thats a lifetime of earning the big bucks ;)best of luck and take your time as theres more to scaffolding than 2 week courses just ask jaque custeau O<MAY

i dont know where your get your information from pal, but av bin in the game for going on ma 6 th year now, makes no odds to me if they promise me my part 2 in 6 mth, ive got to wait the 6 mth annyway! in which time if they dont come good, ill pay for it myself, which ive just done for part 1!!! i konow therea lot more to scaffolding than tickets pal, av put a few so called scaffs to shame, av worked in all sorts rain hail snow ive earned my stripes bud. dont be under the misguided impression i dont know what im doing!

gies a job and ill show ye!!! ;):idea::blink1:
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