Part 1


New member
Dec 1, 2011
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ive been labouring for over a year now, being sent to do the part 1 course start of next year n after a bit of info on what its all about cheeers
The scaffold gangway to the London tourist attraction HMS Belfast has collapsed into the River Thames today injuring two and leaving 170 visitors stranded on the ship.

The gangway collapsed at around 12.47pm today injuring two contractors that was working on the gangway at the time of the collapse.

170 people including 30 school children had to be rescued from HMS Belfast with lifeboats deployed from Tower Lifeboat Station.

Scaffolding had been erected and work had apparently been carried out on the walkway leading to the ship for the past seven weeks.

HMS Belfast director Phil Reed said he was “flabbergasted” at the event. He said:

“As far as we know, the brow, where it joins the ship, sheared off and fell into the water. “The two contractors on the brow got the warning as things began to rattle and they ran off and sustained only minor injuries.”

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have been informed and will investigate what caused this collapse.

welcome bearings you will enjoy it mate ,nothing to worry about as everything will be explained to you as you go along :)

denbo there are 2 other threads about this already without hijacking young bearings thread mate
Question everything bearings, when they ask you do you understand don't just stare at the instructor blankly, let him know if you don't get it even if you appear to be the only one not to get it I can assure you, you wont be. Enjoy it but you are there to learn and as long as you put as much effort in to this as you do your working day you will be fine. A wee tip I always ask the boys before sending them off is come back and teach me something, usually gets them thinking, don't think it's worked yet but it's always worth a try. Good luck.
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