part 1 and I haven't a clue

I'm on iPhone and I don't get a message or owt anytime someone replies to a post etc
Something wrong with mine I reckon :)
No Shef dont touch it, bad for a Scaff I know :)

Meant to post on original thread as Wass was saying he got pinged every time there was a reply on iPhone
Does make sense honest :confused: :bigsmile:
Get a Blackberry Zotsey it will drive you fu cking mental every time someone posts it goes " PING"
Is this the f.ucking Twilight Zone?!?

What you all going on about? :D
wass ere today, gone tomorrow lol
We must be bored. Can't believe this has made 2 pages. Classic :bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
All we need is wads to get off the job pages & start hurling abuse at blokes he's never met & were flying again!!!:nuts:
I feel a bit sorry for Wass to be honest
I know he rubbed a few lads up the wrong way but he seems alright to me.
Can't believe he's not got sorted with owt yet
Surely someone could give him a shot as a labourer on a trial
Mmm, he would be telling the gaffer how it should be done week 1, week 2 plotting a takeover.:laugh:
Ha ha
Know what your saying Aom, most of it was just bravado I reckon
Bet he would graft like fk if he got the chance, wouldn't hurt to give him a week or two and see
He seems keen, just surprised he's found nothing, not that gaffers on here should start him
Fair play mate, I'd give him a shot if I had a firm.
Message him Swifty, I bet he'd take it and be chuffed to fk.
He's been trying proper hard to find something not like some who just expect a job fall in their laps (in general i mean, not anyone in particular)
Cheers lads, just want to get started but can't find anything at the minute. Swifty I worked down your neck of the woods all last year at corus in port talbot, massive road and rail job there
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