Parking Pataweyo ....... without his cat


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
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With the snow around people have abandoned their cars near our house. I went for a little walk yesterday and found the traffic warden slapping tickets on cars.......:suspicious::confused: in this weather???
it was on the news that if you abandon your cars they will be towed away and you will be charged then last night i was also told that if the cops see anybody driving with snow still on there roof they will be issuing £60 fines , not sure if its points.. whats up not making enough christmas bonus with the speeding fines or what.
Take my advice, stay at home. It doesn't help the bank balance but it's just not worth the effort trying to move around in that.
oppertunistic leeches q.silver,as if people havent enough to fork out for in these tough times mate.
Bless their little cotton socks having to be out in this weather , with a bit of luck a few will slip and put their backs out , then they can crawl back to whatever stone they crawled out from :laugh::laugh::laugh:
it was on the news that if you abandon your cars they will be towed away and you will be charged then last night i was also told that if the cops see anybody driving with snow still on there roof they will be issuing £60 fines , not sure if its points.. whats up not making enough christmas bonus with the speeding fines or what.

I can confirm that traffic cops have been issuing on the spot £60 fines and 3 points on licence for people driving with excess snow on their roof, here in Fife. To be fair it is dangerous and if you go to the effort of clearing it off your windows and lights it kind of makes sense to clear your roof too.

My dad nearly crashed when he was driving along the road and the snow from the rof came forward to completely cover the windscreen and too heavy for the wipers to move. Scary stuff with cars behind you and driving blind into oncoming traffic. I always clear my roof after this experience.
It's true about driving with snow on the roof, it's dangerous enough trying to drive, but Grim highlights the hazard.

As for getting a ticket for abandoning your car - you abandon it cos you can't drive it anywhere, duh!! There should be some common sense for parking attendants when conditions are extreme.
Don't want to appear heartless or anything else bettertax but a bit of common sense from the drivers wouldn't go a miss. Truckers getting stuck in the middle of nowhere is a hazard of the job but any car driver who can't manage their vehicle safely home especially when their local is negligent in my humble opinion. Stay at home and fire up the heating with a load of chocolate and watch a John Wayne movie.
I know what you mean, AOM, but where I am, Tuesday morning didn't look so bad but it just snowed all day and by people leaving work time, the trains were stuck, the buses weren't running and traffic and conditions a nightmare... so I hear... I did just as you suggested (lol actually there was a John Wayne film on at some point, but I only watched for about 5 mins... I can't tell you how chauvanistic it was and what they got away with in 50's films!!)
Fair point, plus I suppose it depends a lot on how the local authority reacted to any sudden snow fall. We have been fairly lucky in that respect even had the snow plough doze the yard for me.:cool: As for the movies, I think that's why I like them.:)

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

better tax the duke rules lol.

Aye daisy duke.:love: Nah just kidding, don't make me choose.:confused:
Yup, I think a lot of the time it is down to pure bad driving when people get stuck. On my way back on Tuesday the A92 was down to 1 lane and averaging 30-40 mph. Some genius in a red van decided this wasnt fast enough so went into the snow lane to overtake and promptly swung across the road and down an embankment. I nearly pished myself laughing.

As for the traffic warden event - anyone doing this should be hung drawn and quartered - the thieving gits.
some cars around here mate are just dumped , some people too bone idol to clear patch outside house for car, also lots of people parking on main road who live in back streets or estates that are impassable, bad conditions or not you gotta park as safe as possible, a friend of a friend drives a plough he has hit 7 cars so far and finding it impossible to clear the road properly, some people are 3ft off kerb so dont park on snow , some people are parked diagonally with back of car in road and think its ok , give me a break snowing or cold you just gotta get warm clothes on and make sure its parked safely
Where do you live superscaff . I wouldnt be impressed if my car got ploughed . I am driving a lwb pajero at the minute and have never had so much fun . Overtaking through fields , plowing through peoples piles of snow . I even knocked a snowman over . I have got the whole car park to myself cos nobody will get back out if they go in.and if any one asks to be towed out i poliely tell them to fook off .i only took the pajero as a px and absolutely love it
bishop auckland allan county durham, you could sympathise with the driver of the plough if you seen how some of the muppets over our way have left their cars parked at night, it is fcukin unbelievable they 3ft off kerb , diagonally , on tight bends, juctions anywhere basically thats as close to home and easy without actually having to drive it home, my car is a vw bora tdi sport, it has semi profile tyres, sporty suspension , bodykit type skirt around it ( manufacturers not mine) and it sits low , it is a feckin nightmare in snow but i have been driving it all week and parking it on my drive, so if i can get thru all the snow including smaller roads and onto my estate im sure the other people can, on my estate the snow on road was so deep , when i got out car i had a 3 ft snow cone of snow i had pushed along, all the snow on road is now ice with 2 tyre tracks down middle the car just toboggans down there now:D
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