pain in arse


Well-known member
May 23, 2011
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been bck scaffolding a year now, had 2year off workin on roads, was told after a year will get a pay rise, which i can't fault the boss i have had it only to be told 3 days later that we got no work at min... bein the nice lad i am i said i will take a cut in wage to keep all the lads on as we all got familys, n another lad said he would rather see 1 of us go than him lose out on pay...WHAT A COCK HE IS EH?.... good thing is the boss said i will be lat 1 t go...
Fair play Steve,cant tell whats going on in some peoples heads.
Its the dog eat dog world, Im afraid. Like it or not, these days there isnt a thing called 'solidarity' anymore. More like an 'i'm alright Jack' and UP YOURS, attitude.
Not condoning it, just stating the hateful fact!:mad:
Give the boy a slap steve just hopetheh gaffer hasnt pulled the wool over your eyes. The chances are lados been there for years and knows he'll probbly be 1 of the last to go thats why his said it if he says it again about he'd rather some 1 go than him take a pay cut tell him your putting his name forwoud for the pay offs and give him a big smile that'll shut him up or yall have to shut him up cant therers to manny of them about if by u aking a paydrop of say 50p keeps a lad in work whats the probblem ?or £1 and keeps 2 lads in work whats the probblem?
unfortunatly steve 1986 i would have to go with john the manc although none of us like being out of work there is no loyalties in our game!!! and being layed off is part on the scaffolding that most of us are used too a permanent job in scaffolding just dosent work and to take pay cuts dont work either you just need to move on and find grass greener if this happens all the best anyway mate
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