On your own!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
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middle of the country
Just a quick one,ive been doin a bit of work through an agy n some day's when i get to site im the only scaffolder there and expect'd to work on my own,i don't realy mind but is it legal to work on my own?
Pretty sure you are not allowed, there must be others with you incase of an accident.
Its not illegal but you can only do so much and they cant expect you to do much more, if they dont want to pay for another scaff any delay is down to them.
Just a quick one,ive been doin a bit of work through an agy n some day's when i get to site im the only scaffolder there and expect'd to work on my own,i don't realy mind but is it legal to work on my own?

atleast you can argue with your self nothing worse than haveing a tube or double short, up down up down up down tell them you want someone one for safety and 2 your be fooked by the end of the week:laugh:
knock out a bit of work in the morning , then of to the pub it dont take a lot on a site to cover one mans wages
Working alone is dangerous as you might get raped by a herd of smelly brickies. On a serious note, working alone should be a no no. If you fall and are left dangling..... need I carry on.
I love working on my own when it happens, no carrying anyone, no fighting, stop when and if you want for a brew, everything you earn is yours and go when you want to.
And as Philliosmaximus said it don't take long to cover one man's money.
ok buddy ,i will tell you now in certain areas of scafolding it is actually elegal for you to work alone,you may work alone on base outs mods inspections ext.but as soon as work @ height regs comes into the aquation you are not allowed,this will or should be clearly stated in the r.a.m.s. this is because every site must pertain what they call a rescue and recovery procedure this is law.god forbid and u was on ur own and u was out of site from anyone depending on ur physical capabilities you have less than 15 minutes to live trapped in a harness.a harness is the last line of defence in scaffolding bud dont let agencies tell you any differance.my personnel point of view with agencies is stay clear from them,but money is money lets face all they do is bill companies alarge amount for your hard work try not to work alone fella one golden rule in this type of work ,ur a long time dead.
I suppose that I should have made it clearer. When on the few occasions that I have worked on my own it has been on a housing site and it has been either base lifts or adaptations for render.
None of which involve any risk of falls from height or the possibility of dangling 6 inches off the floor in my harness, which you quite correctly state is the last resort for WAH.
Also although I may be technically working alone there are other trades in the immediate area.
I have given many a toolbox talk about suspension trauma so I make sure that I don't leave myself wide open for "the pot calling the kettle black"
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