Old matey on Sky News now not clipped on and transom hopping.


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Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
Scaff walking on the tube boarding out at Ealing Green not clipped on or anything :laugh: Great ad for the company live on Sky News
Yeah I saw that VLLB. It made me laugh and I assumed it was coming down as a rush job or something then they confirmed it was going up on a supermarket or something. Can't wait to see if that is still there in the morning.
if it same thing i seen, there was no hard hat, or harness!! nothing will be said tho, unless it was me on there i would be fu**ed lol
not the one i seen then, cos these didn't have hard hats or harness, also waring trainers, hse would have a field day if they was there...
its the way we were brought up nowadays my guys spend their days in full fire proof clothing and the two hook harness , and instant dismissal if not tied off with one hook at all times , we had one guy fall from the piperack , but was tied off and rescued by his team in seconds , its the correct way , but i miss the sneakers and shorts days
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