Offshore work

The only thing coming is lay offs mate or a 3x3 rotation. If I were you I would look at the wind farms.
There is a distinct smell of gun powder in the air…there was a big down Man yesterday…they paying off seasoned campaigners :eek:
We are about to loose our 5th week crew by the look of it. Then going 3x3 rotation.
Weaverbix hope all is well
what oil company is making this 3x3 ration and what rig is pushing the 5 week slot off the rig \?
What other cost cutting strategies are under consideration I wonder :suspicious:

Travel, over night accommodation ???…:eek:
@oldscaff.....Apache have already adopted a 3x3 rotation on selected platforms. Allegedly the whole of the North Sea are going 3x3. Hence the 5th week crew will be papped off. The only daving grace is the decommissioning of the old girl. Whivh was planned for 18 months time.
Tight times ahead .the gas platform s are being effected aswell.for some reason price of gas is directly linked to oil price even though platforms are gas only.
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