

Sep 17, 2011
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I've looked on here before but never posted anything. In desperate need of advice but think I've put it in the wrong section (the legal help bit!) noone has replied n I wondered if anyone could have a quick read and help me out!
Thank you! Basically the whole question is under the legal help bit of the forum but ill go over it again! I've been on for a company for 10 years. Small family run company which has between 2-5 staff a time. The boss asked me to subby but just to work for him which I'm doing. He's asked me to get insurance but I don't know where from/how much it costs etc n why I'm not covered under his insurance. He's moving abroad n has asked me to run the company, get rid of all staff n have 2 blokes of my choice working for me (still as a subby for him). Do I need insurance if I get 2 staff and who pays their tax and ni? Also he's selling his house but keeping the yard. There's no address at the yard (its a field) and he wants all the company mail to come to me??? He wants to split money from each job 50/50 and for me to pay myself n 2 staff out of the 50% I will get. Is this a fiddle? Why would he want me to run it when he's abroad etc? And is it worth me doing??? Thanks!
Thank you! Basically the whole question is under the legal help bit of the forum but ill go over it again! I've been on for a company for 10 years. Small family run company which has between 2-5 staff a time. The boss asked me to subby but just to work for him which I'm doing. He's asked me to get insurance but I don't know where from/how much it costs etc n why I'm not covered under his insurance. He's moving abroad n has asked me to run the company, get rid of all staff n have 2 blokes of my choice working for me (still as a subby for him). Do I need insurance if I get 2 staff and who pays their tax and ni? Also he's selling his house but keeping the yard. There's no address at the yard (its a field) and he wants all the company mail to come to me??? He wants to split money from each job 50/50 and for me to pay myself n 2 staff out of the 50% I will get. Is this a fiddle? Why would he want me to run it when he's abroad etc? And is it worth me doing??? Thanks!

tell him you split 50 50 after lads wages are paid plus he dont need to know about the cash jobs seleling hosue moving abroad sound a bit dodgey for me would be better for him to just sell the firm or gear me thinks
Well this is it, he wants to take phone calls to Spain on the 0800 number, price up jobs on google maps and if he can't price up then he'll send his brother round to price up. He gets the site surveys done, all money paid to him and then just tells me what the job bought in n gives me 50%? I think there's a fiddle somewhere but can't work out where??? The whole still running the company from abroad but sending post to me??? He offered to sell company for £250,000 but no way I can afford that. It's either we do it his way from after Christmas or he shuts the company down? So confused.
Jay be very careful as you dont have full access to the company books , accounts etc ,
Whats to stop you getting your own work using his gear lorrys etc , build up your own firm ?
Thats not what iam suggesting you do and if he has any modicum of business sense he would have considered this ,
You dont know what his motives are at the moment so i would suggest you sit done and talk it over in detail exactly what he is proposing , might be that he has had enough and just wants enough to live on , but 50% and you gotta pay the lads and insurance aint gonna leave you a lot each week
his previous insurance company should take on new fella,no dont entertain go your own way & take on any contacts after hes left hes taking advantage of your good nature fella Be positive no capital if necessary go cooperative for a couple of years.

I bet hes headed for SOL
Thanks for ur advice. He won't give me access to books n he's very sneaky. I reckon what he's thinking is to have me as a subby, pay my 20% tax and for me to have 2 blokes and pay them cash in hand. He's very hard to talk to and basically said I can take it or leave it, but findin a reliable scaff job with kids n a mortgage is a nightmare.
I don't get why he wants to do it this way? It just seems he wants to have his cake n eat it too. How do I even know what the jobs r being priced at for my 50%? Maybe he's tryin to get rid of me???

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Sounds stupid but what's headin for SOL? He's sold up all his possessions lately, 4 cars, lorries, kept one small transit? And what's go cooperative?
My advice would be try and find something else as quick as possible as he is going to leave you in the sh it real soon anyway
That's what I'm thinking but with Christmas coming up n kids presents to buy its hard to find something else. Every other company lay off over Christmas. That's why I've stuck it for so long.

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

Also another quick question - why would the boss not run the company from abroad but have all 3 of us paye instead of subbying? Is it cos its easier to get rid of us? He's on about changing the 2 vehicles to have my subby name on instead of the company's name which has been established for 40 years? Am I missin something??!!
Time to pull out fella hes not offering any thing substantial only first refusal on something headed for the rocks check latest scaff work news slump ongoing.
Will do. Cheers. Gonna hang on as long as I can until I find something else. I've been doing this job for 20 years though n before the 10 years I was on here I was out of work on n off for 10 years. It's a **** job when you've got responsibilities. I know he's up to something dodgy but can't work it out.
Jay i would say he is setting you as a fall guy , he might be intending to not pay any tax or vat or suppliers for as long as possible and just leaving you to carry the full brunt of it.
It all sounds very dodgy to me mate .
Start stashing gear so after xmas you got some as a back up. Seems to me he is setting you up. Like havespanner said why cant his brother run it.
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