New Style Advanced Portfolio


Jan 15, 2010
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Allright lads. Just wondered if anyone has done the new style portfolio for the advanced course. Apparently There is no pictures in it, and you have to explain how you build the job word for word instead.

Anyone know what its like to do?

You can add pictures to the units if you have some, a scafftag & toolbox talk can be added to each unit also a letter off an employer confirming your competence for all of the units go's a long way.

Good Luck!
Don't know if this is new Dj, we have never included pictures in any we have done. It would be nice to know for sure as one of the boy's is booked on his advanced in September and I will be the mug filling it out.
Apparently scrapped the term portfolio & is now called "site diary" (at least for part 02 I was recently informed) no photos required, all the usual records & supporting evidence. Reformed this year as part of the effot to standardise training provider requirements to achieve NVQ's through out the UK.
First I have heard of it Bluescaff. Was never a fan of the portfolio, especially when I knew how they were filled out.:eek: All we need now is for them to standardise the training.
Would seem obviously essential aom, driving tests, education, first aid etc altho differ in delivery still have a standard content. How much does training differ from place to place? think most know which providers have better reps' than others and i have come across people who chose one over the other because it was persieved as "easier" to get their portfolio signed off. I attended two training center which were worlds apart (ps. Might add the last post is second hand info from a conversation last night)
Its preferable if you DONT put in pictures because if you do they have to be verified.

Its all a load of bowlocks really and a doddle to do, as long as you can be arsed to pick up a pen.

Just had 2 completed whilst the lads were on their courses and another on its way, so much easier than the old style.
done mine on part 2 have to answer questions and describe how you would erect and dismantle different jobs start to finish its a face to face disscusion
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done mine on part 2 have to answer questions and describe how you would erect and dismantle different jobs start to finish its a face to face disscusion

Anything that means less writing for me is a great idea. I hate pens.
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