New start up company


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Feb 23, 2013
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Hi can anyone here point me in the right direction for minimising my tax i have just started my company and want to start invoicing is it better for me just to put down plant hire?
Find yourself a good local accountant.You need to build a good working relationship with them

Do not just drop off your books,have him explain to you what he his claiming for and why this is the best for you.Look at all the options open to you.Do not forget he his working for you expect from him the same commitment to the business as any other employee.

A good accountant can make all the differance to a company.I have owned two limited companies the first was wound up as I was making very little profit.The second was sold as a profitable business.

One of the main reasons was the financial management of the second company

Put a bit of time in on the Revenue website,do your own research,all the facts are on there.There are no "secret" ways to reduce your tax liability only a sound knowledge of the tax system as it applies to your company

Best of luck with your new venture
My advice would be have a think of what type of business do you want to build. I did, or rather my Mrs told me straight if I was going to do it I was going to have to do it right.(where the feck has she told me that before:embarrest:) I appointed a very straight and reputable accountant, who can sometimes frustrate me but when all is said and done I can sleep well at night and no one can take anything off me. My mates on the other hand who spent years telling me I am paying too much eventually got the dreaded bill from the tax man and went to the wall.
We were in a meeting the other day and it became apparent that whilst some people want a local accountant, nowadays, there really is no need.

What you want is someone who you have a good relationship with (as Rigger says) but that can be with someone further away.

Using email, phone, apps etc etc location is no longer a problem.

Find someone you feel you can communicate well with who understands your business and needs.

US! ;)
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