new makita wrench


Mar 22, 2017
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had this a few week now and its great no nuts on the floor any way when set to scaffolders setting Makita UK (and says for scaffolding)
I used a hilti then this new Makita for 5 years combined but now back on spanner as the vibration has damaged my forearm up to elbow.
I used a hilti then this new Makita for 5 years combined but now back on spanner as the vibration has damaged my forearm up to elbow.

sorry to hear about your arm but could of kept it to yourself .. the wrenches have increased my wages upto 50% somedays and now you've put a doubt in my mind :confused:
Just thought I'd mention it to save others having the same problem.
It didn't happen over night and my arms ok so long I don't use a drill then the pain comes back.
My advice would be if it starts hurt it'll only get worse and stop using it.
It says on makita website ur only suppose to use it for 1 hour 30 min a day.
My elbows wrist and shoulders are knackerd from pulling on a spanner , as soon as I started using an IW the pain all but went ,
I think it's a case of the job rather then the tool
Woodsie that 1.5hr is trigger time m8 - not how many hours u work during the day lol.
Avg fitting is a 3 sec burst that means a trigger time of approx 1800 fittings which tbh is a pretty heavy & unusual day to achieve- so i really dont see HAVs as a problem - its the noise u should be more worried about
Not bothered about the noise my ears are fine it's my arm that's been damaged.
As for trigger time is there an exact since to nerve damage caused by vibration?
If u use it for eight hours a day banging out jobs for years on end!
Food for thought
Think u missed my point m8 - you may have been working for 8 hrs aday but your IW will have been opperating for less than 1.5hrs within that period we've been using them ourselves for over 4yrs now & tbh ur the only person ive heard of that suffered from HAVs - really unlucky for you,
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