never look down on someone


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2010
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a so called mate started a scaffold business in 2006, he started getting bigger contracts, and good money comeing in, got newer trucks and so on, he said to me 1 day you have not done as well as me and you never will you need bigger jobs to make any money look at my trucks and car, after a time he though he was better than everyone else, just found out today his big contract has now gone under, He is now living in a rented flat with not a penny to his name you should never look down on someone on your way up, you never know when you will need them on your way back down.
Trouble is b-safe there are many pitfalls in running any business and the bigger you get the easier it is to fall. You only need one big company to go bust and they can take you with them. There is a serious danger in expanding any company to quickly , all of a sudden you find you are paying out more money then you are taking in , then you have to borrow or get overdraft extensions and a company goes bust owing you thousands and you are
fu cked

expand at a steady rate always taking into account all risks and cost.
and remember that " CASH FLOW" is king in any business
Absolutely. The quote is

"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down"
Wilson Mizner

Very true it is too
I imagine it's a bit difficult not to look down on people when you're at the top of a scaffold. ;)
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