Need tips how to start please


Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
London, Walthamstow
Greetings Lads

Ive already introduced myself in newbiew section.
I am hard worker, in good physical and mental shape and love the heights:)
But who dosnt who love scaffolding right?
Currently in London.

I am having problem finding the way how to get into this industry at first point.
As I never did scaffolding before, but Id love to.
I passed health and safety exams.
Currently working in one warehouse in enfield.

I would really appreciate tips and advices how and/or where could I work as a apprentice in building site with scaffolder and learn and gain experience.
Working towards saving money for CISRS as well.

All help very appreciated, thank you alot in advandce.

Best regards
just have a ring round some firms mate

best bit of advice for a new starter is be keen. most blokes would rather show someone their little indian tricks to someone who is eager, then to someone who just coasts thro and does just enough
well said gus yea the only thing you can really do is ring all the firms in ur area which ur able to travel to the only thing iwill say is now is not a great time to get into the game what with xmas round the corner but keep trying and ring everyweek till they take you on oh yea and be prepaired for the biggest bunch of piss takers known to man kind cuz if you cant take that ull not get through ur first week
theres 2 good bits of advice there, if your willing to learn thats half the battle! and be prepaired to be ribbed about all sorts, their only joking with you its what makes the day go quicker! don't take it personal give it back to em! and don't show weakness! as for getting a start try some of the bigger firms and ask if they need yard staff and start from the beggining or ring smaller ones and tell em you've laboured for brickies and roofers on sites before and know your way round a scaffold and a ladder??
good luck mate
thank you for all answers.
I dont mind jokes and piss taking out of me,
a great sence of humor in me so I take it lightly and sportly.

So ringing firms around and asking, does that including scaffolding firms or generaly construction companies as well.
Sort of apprenticeship.

Keen and eager, definetly, when I saw those guys up there on scaffolding they builded in those heights, i thought,
WOW those are bunch of tough guys,
I would just love their art.
And when I really want something I go for it by any means necesearilly.

Thank you for all tips mates

Your attitude speaks for itself

Good luck in your quest to break into the scaffolding game

Find your local scaffold companies (google) and thier yard addresses get your ar*e round there about 6:30/7:00 am. Ask for the supervisor and plead your case,do not take no for an answer,if he knocks you back,go back on another day same procedur.Try as many companies as you can.

This approach does work I was the supervisor,knocked a young lad back twice I was getting that much stick from my lads I set him on the 3rd try.Thought I would beast the little sh*t, but he took it in his stride and came up for more.Turned out to be damn good scaffolder a few years later
do your self a favour forget scaffolding and do a plumbing course its less hassel tom
nothing like little encouragement
I like that.
What is less hassel today?
Nothing, everything what is worth of investing time and money is a hassel.
From what I ve seen, there is more job opportunities for scaffolders then for plumbers.
I see on jobcenter scaffolder position every now and then.
Cant tell same about plumber.
Plus its more expensive.
iam trying to do you a favour am not your mother so do what you want.
Welcome to the forum Tom and good luck with your search for work. I would say though that being of good mental state is going to be a negative if you want to become a scaffolder :D
Welcome to the forum Tom and good luck with your search for work. I would say though that being of good mental state is going to be a negative if you want to become a scaffolder :D

Yes Ian is right mate.

You might also want to start considering covering yourself in tattoos - or people just won't take you seriously! :laugh:

Best of luck mate.
Dont you just love the smell of the scaffolding right in the morning?:)
Concerning covering myself with tattoos - thats already done.
Im already covered:)
i love the smell of paye day tom and the best smell of scaffolding is when your in the car
on the way home lol good luck anyway atleast your keen.
you might also like to consider a broken nose and a few scars , also a criminal record , and a taste for ale loose women and horse racing : )
Well, some one that wants to be a scaffolder.. lord god ha.. anyway... Best bet, like said, is try the big firms if they need any scaffold labourers and go from there. The big firms will put you through your courses as well.

Lube up every morning before you go to work as well!
get the money together and book your part 1 , dont bother revising or worrying that you dont know what your doing nobody ever fails . if you cant get the money and your not working you may be to get the jobcentre or some one to pay for it . depends where you live
Quote from Allan66. Book your part 1, don't bother revising or worry that you don't know what your doing, nobody ever fails. Agree with you Allan, But just shows what this game has become. Realeasing incompotents into the industry to line the pockets of these training organisations. No wonder we'el never be recognised as a proper trade.
hi Tom. all the best with your search and stick with it. it was,and is the best,choice l made. job's great and the worth all the piss-taking. l hope you find a job soon.
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