need help


Dec 22, 2010
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hi i really need help from the old hands. I m desparately trying to get to the next level and get work on refinaries powerstations or even off shore. I m part two for seventeen years got my sssts ticket and haki roof card i just need help in what other tickets i need to get or helpful contacts to break into this line of work. if any one out there can help i d be so so grateful...........
hi i really need help from the old hands. I m desparately trying to get to the next level and get work on refinaries powerstations or even off shore. I m part two for seventeen years got my sssts ticket and haki roof card i just need help in what other tickets i need to get or helpful contacts to break into this line of work. if any one out there can help i d be so so grateful...........

CCNSG Safety Passport is used to gain a basic entry into most Industrial jobs (Refineries, Powerstations and such).

MIST, is the name of the ticket you need for Offshore, i believe...

But really, theres near-enough dozens of tickets you could get to enable you to work anywhere at anytime. Which inturn can cost ££££'s
Best thing id say, is to decide what avenue you wanna go down and build up the tickets for that type of work and go from there.

Like me... i do alot of Railway/Underground work, so i got my PTS and LUCAS tickets sorted.
Didnt need anything for Offshore, so i left that one out for now. :)

Gooooooooooogle as a good place to help with finding out roughly what tickets you need for what.
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