

Well-known member
Jun 30, 2010
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Has any lads any info on "" ne-bosh "" where is the best site to get information and whats the best 1 to do ? I believe there is 2 or 3 diffrent courses relating to it, any info will be appreciated
Google nebosh construction brings up loads
shut up scaffy im the nebosh expert not you :nuts:

anyone can google, im saving you having to sort the good from the bad :noworry:

dont listen to scaffy, :nuts:
Has any lads any info on "" ne-bosh "" where is the best site to get information and whats the best 1 to do ? I believe there is 2 or 3 diffrent courses relating to it, any info will be appreciated

Try "Woodwards SHE" they are based in Carlisle but run courses in Glasgow, they have an excellent pass rate, you wanna do the Nebosh Construction course rather than the General.;)

try the website that super suggested Health and safety tips for beginners, loads of free info and revision material available.
The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health

Follow link and make up your mind what course of study suits your needs

There are many providers up and down the country compare cost as they can vary a great deal

I'd start with the general cert, then you can add on the others.. depends what sector you work in, but the general cert is good to start with, and its got less parts to it than the construction cert... ie. less study, and its still a Nebosh cert...

Cheers lads for posting , been putting it off for a while but think its a course worth having as it can open a good few doors otherwise reserved for the uni people
I have a load of past NEBOSH Materials and exam papers, that was kindly donated by a Pioneer of this Forum, PM me with your e-mail addy if you would like these, they are great for getting a heads up, prior to taking on the course.

I think i am right in saying, you have to do the GC before you can do Construction.
I have a load of past NEBOSH Materials and exam papers, that was kindly donated by a Pioneer of this Forum, PM me with your e-mail addy if you would like these, they are great for getting a heads up, prior to taking on the course.

I think i am right in saying, you have to do the GC before you can do Construction.

The nebosh certs ie general,construction, environment, fire are all unitized so you can do any certificate in any order

So for example you could do the construction cert first which would entail NGC,1 a two hour management paper then NGC,2 a two hours hazards paper followed by a one hour practical where you carry out a work place inspection then write a report, you need 45% to pass NGC 1 & 2 think is is 60% on the inspection report.

Say you passed all 3 construction exams you could move on to any other cert and only have you complete NGC 2 the hazards paper and the one hour practical because you have already passed NGC,1:idea:
Good luck to all that attempt it, Hard work with a lot of home study, but as they say no gain with out pain

Copied from Nebosh web site

The NEBOSH National Construction Certificate covers the main legal requirements relating to health and safety in UK construction work, identification and control of construction workplace hazards, and the practical application of this knowledge. The syllabus is mapped to the National Occupational Standards for Health and Safety owned by ENTO and is supported by Construction Skills.

No previous health and safety knowledge is required although it is advisable that candidates do have an understanding of the basic practical aspects of the construction industry. It should also be noted that the examination includes a requirement to write a short report.

The qualification has been unitised and the content revised in line with the new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. The qualification is divided into three units, each of which is assessed separately:

  • Management of health and safety (NGC1)
  • Managing and controlling hazards in construction activities (NCC1)
  • Health and safety practical application (NCC2)

How much does it cost and how long does it take?

Course fees are determined by individual course providers and vary depending on the format of the course. You should plan your study around a minimum of 105 taught hours and approximately 52 hours of private study and background reading.

· How is it assessed?

· Units NGC1 and NCC1 are taught units each assessed by a two-hour written examination. Each written examination consists of ten ‘short-answer’ questions and one ‘long-answer’ question. All questions are compulsory. Candidate scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.

· Unit NCC2 is assessed by a two-hour practical examination carried out in the candidate's own workplace to test the application of taught health and safety principles in a construction workplace. This is held on a date set by the course provider and must be taken within 14 days of a written examination. The practical examination is internally assessed by the course provider and must be marked by an experienced and qualified safety professional.

· 'The Guide' to the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction contains the full syllabus and sample examination papers and is available from the Publications Shop. Past examination papers and Examiners Reports (which include the relevant question paper) are also available from the Publications Shop. They do not contain model answers, but provide guidance as to what the examiners look for when marking scripts.
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Or, you could just buy a yacht and sail round the world.:idea:
Stuff that, got a perfectly good 1300cc jet ski out the back. Couldn't be ersed trying to lash all these boards together.:D
Braveheart.......i'd rather have a mug o char and a dairy milk.:embarrest:
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