Narrow Scaffolding In a Light Well?


New member
Jan 31, 2015
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Hey folks. Newb question here, but I'm wondering how people might design a scaffolding to go in a narrow light well. It's a short depth (less than 30" clearance between walls), about an 8' section width, but 33' height. My understanding is that there are 28" depth scaffolding rigs, but that they're only allowed to go to 20' height per OSHA. Do scaffolding companies have a way to reach the higher heights in such a confined area?
Can you butt off all 4 walls? Can you build a slightly larger horse and use that to stabilise the narrow job?
Can you butt off all 4 walls? Can you build a slightly larger horse and use that to stabilise the narrow job?

Was thinking that myself. We can't butt off the building we're working on (siding covers the entire side) but we may be able to convince the neighbors to allow us to butt off their walls. That would cover 3 of 4 sides.
Maybe you could put a couple of moveable butting tubes on the working face and then slide them back to replace the covering then either slide them back or start at the top and bring the job down as you go. The engineers won't like it, but it would work.
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