Moving on

Becasue they dont really want you to leave probably, and they will lose money.
Coz they think they own you and they think you ow them every thing. My gaffer says every pay day we should all walk in and thank him for payign us and keepign us in a job not to mention we had **** all off him other than pay in last 2 years just **** **** **** and worked like a dog lol yeha just picken cotton boss just picken cotton

Bosses do take Scaffolders leaving very personally.
I dont know why... its a business and if someone else offers you a better deal, you simply have to take it.

I know for a FACT that if your working for a Firm and theres another Scaffolder whos willing to do your job for £30 a day less, then YOU A SACKED.

But if its the other way round, then your 'out of order' and in the wrong???

F.ucking makes me laugh tbh.
last day at present company today but why do scaffold bosses take it so personel when you leave ?

Talking as a boss who has employed countless scaffolders, we are like most people and dont like change we get used to a face the persons attitude and his work ethics and if you are like me you treat them with respect and as a valued workmate, so when a member of your team decides to try his luck elsewhere you take it to heart and wonder why they are leaving, dont get me wrong some scaffolders you cannot get on with and wish they would
fu ck right off but these people will stop at the firm longer than you for the simple reason nobody else can get on with them either
At lot of it depends on how much time & money they have invested in you. Can be a kick in the gonads if you've been there a few years & the company has brought you along. Not nice for a gaffer if you're also a 'good un' to see this benefit another firm. If he's been a priick in the other hand, then feck him! & good luck with the new job mate. :laugh:
Good luck in your new job Paul, I hope all goes well. For me I tend to go the opposite way, there are no fences round my camp and if you want to leave it's no drama. I just wish them all the best for the future and crack on.
Im like aom and general manager I think , wouldnt stand in a mans way but would ask if there was anything I could do to make them stay if I wanted them to obviously, or sometimes possibly ask if they can go any quicker :laugh:
I will admit to doing that as well super, don't bother working your notice just go now and I will happily pay your 40 hours so I don't need to look at your scrawny wee greetin face for another minute.:embarrest:

Wow, that felt good.:bigsmile:
I will admit to doing that as well super, don't bother working your notice just go now and I will happily pay your 40 hours so I don't need to look at your scrawny wee greetin face for another minute.:embarrest:

Wow, that felt good.:bigsmile:

Happily Pay are you sure your Scottish aom LOL
There is a good bit of strong Irish coursing through these veins GM, it must be that bit.:embarrest:
Trained and lost a few gooduns,they move on to better things,some return.
They leave cos they want more,but you cant give em more as theyre not quite the finished article. Bit like footballers,dont want to be left on the bench.
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