More snow forecast

We have finally got rid of the snow but the freezing temperatures have all but killed the trade round here. We have only worked around 3 days a week for the past3 weeks and after seeing the forecast for tomorrow it might be prudent to keep the boys in the yard again tomorrow. Should the forecast prove correct this will definitely go down as the worst month ever.:(
We have finally got rid of the snow but the freezing temperatures have all but killed the trade round here. We have only worked around 3 days a week for the past3 weeks and after seeing the forecast for tomorrow it might be prudent to keep the boys in the yard again tomorrow. Should the forecast prove correct this will definitely go down as the worst month ever.:(

Chin up mate good time to attend to there training needs.
God loves a trier Steve I will give you that and to be perfectly honest you might well be right. Leave it with me.
I tried that but turns out we really are all disleckik and no one can spell EN.:eek:
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