more hours or harder work

if you had the choice of working very hard on price work for 39 hours or tossing it off in a shipyard for 60 hours and earning roughly the same amount which would you take .

Would hope to earn as much on price work as you would earn for 60 hours tossing it off in a shipyard in a lot less than 39 hours. Thats almost 8 hours a day 5 days a week!!
Only chose the tossing it option cos my back is on it's way out. :embarrest:

Is your back problem caused by vibration from your impact drill??

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

what the fook you on about

When on price used to earn a lot more than shipyard scaffs and always be home for 2pm
personally less hours for the same money get it over and done with cant be doing the clock watching in out wham bam thankyou mam!!!
I started in the game on price...then the firm went hourly rate about 3 years ago. Lost on average £150 a week but stayed as had been there 5 years. Got paid of in August last year. Was doing alot of supervising and inspecting so it would have to be tossing it off in a shipyard now :D
100% the price option,i wanna be as far away from the steel for as long as possible,i'm not in it for the love of the game to be honest but still want the coin in my pocket,and still young enough not to be arsed about doing a bit to earn it
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