More contractors in liquidation

Mitchells Scaffolding

Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Accrington Lancashire
Mayfield Construction Company Ltd went into administration on Friday 8th July 2011. Alan McGinley of Ernst & Young has been appointed administrator and can be contacted on 07500 605893.
Mayfield Construction Company Ltd are a subsidiary of McKean Group Ltd. Two of McKean Group Ltd's other subsidiaries, McKean & Company (Glasgow) Ltd and Hudson Vision Ltd, both went into liquidation recently.

lets hope that this trend will soon reach it's peak.
We have had 2 "much smaller" companys go to the wall in as many weeks it is a sad reflection of the times but the knock on effects can be a nightmare for anyone in there supply chains.
Keep a tight hold of the purse strings and the account management Mitchell's. Don't let the bastardo's pull you down.
It's a shame for the employees of any company that goes to the wall,especially when it's sub contractors, due to the fact that these large companies don't pay their way. I've seen it happen many times ( Roc, Connaught,etc), these supposedly BIG firms that screw the price down as far as they can, they try to inform you that because of the large volume of incoming invoices they can't pay your account for three months from date of invoice etc. etc.
At the end of the day if they are as large and successful as they say they are (and I'd like to say that most of them work for the public sector for the most part) they should have the resources to manage their accounts as such. Take Connaught for instance, I think they went for £700 million or so in total.

I'm sure the directors of this company were paid every month.

My point being why are we one of very few industries that give credit of very often more than thirty days to companies we really have no knowledge of, run by directors that take the cream off the top of the cake and run off into the night, never to be heard of again.

I think I'm going to open a fish & chip shop,they've got the right idea....
Always felt like that myself scaffman. You don't get tick at the local chippie.
It's a shame for the employees of any company that goes to the wall,especially when it's sub contractors, due to the fact that these large companies don't pay their way. I've seen it happen many times ( Roc, Connaught,etc), these supposedly BIG firms that screw the price down as far as they can, they try to inform you that because of the large volume of incoming invoices they can't pay your account for three months from date of invoice etc. etc.
At the end of the day if they are as large and successful as they say they are (and I'd like to say that most of them work for the public sector for the most part) they should have the resources to manage their accounts as such. Take Connaught for instance, I think they went for £700 million or so in total.

I'm sure the directors of this company were paid every month.

My point being why are we one of very few industries that give credit of very often more than thirty days to companies we really have no knowledge of, run by directors that take the cream off the top of the cake and run off into the night, never to be heard of again.

I think I'm going to open a fish & chip shop,they've got the right idea....

i find a problem with private customer who think you will put a job up for them, and they can pay when it comes down, well if you go down the diy centre to hire a tower scaffold you pay there and then + a deposit, why should they thick they can pay, when you take it down spend weeks chaseing them.
your dead right with that get your money when the scaffolds erected only work for cowboys not the indians

yep the domestic work i.e. home owners pay up front our problem comes when they want it altering, extending or they take longer to do their work and dont think a hire charge has to be paid thats when the excuses come thick and fast
heres another one. What is your point, you probably work for someone and dont have to chase around for money to pay your men, mine are paid every week without fail. If you want to reply please use a bit more english (feck):
Salutations eric the fish,

I'm sure the regular contributors to this internet based forum for scaffold erectors and associated trades will indeed endeavour to "use a bit more english" just as soon as you improve the quality of your grammar and punctuation. One further point I would like to make if I may, paying a man on time is minimum requirement and not a boast.:rolleyes:
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yts who remembers that 25 quid wages out on a friday loads of larger even the pint glases looked bigger lol!!!! chinese on way home drunk as a skunk and still 8 quid left in your wallet at end of week!!
benson and hedges aom 180 a packet gary glitter was just comeing throw the pop scene the beatles had just started to get noticed lol!!!
I think Gary Glitter would of already been in Thailand tampering with the unfortunates by the time I was on the yts. At £25 a week we had to decide wither to be a smoker or a drinker. Still love ma regal.:cool:
i was a carpenters mate aom what a lazy mentor i had all i learnte was to bag vics overalls up why he sneaked out of gate at 11am in the morning he always said dont leave untill 30 minutes after me lol no wonder i didnt learn nish about carpentry lol!!!
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Think yourself lucky dico, you could have ended up an erse hole joiner and missed out on being a scaff. Couldn't see you on t he chippies forum.:eek:
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