mkdestino hello


New member
Feb 6, 2014
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Hi guys I'm new and Spanish so my English is not the bestr I hope this forum help me to learn better English. I'm been working in Milton Keynes for 7 years now and next month I'm going for my part 2, but I have a big problem with my writing,

anyone can help me?
Use spell check mate, just hope marra dont talk to ya as you'll be up shiit creek without a paddle....

P.s. welcome to the forum.
when you sit your part 2 explain your predicament and they will shadow you amego and welcome to the forum
Hi guys I'm new and Spanish so my English is not the bestr I hope this forum help me to learn better English. I'm been working in Milton Keynes for 7 years now and next month I'm going for my part 2, but I have a big problem with my writing,

anyone can help me?

Hola Jason
Originally Posted by phil181 View Post
Hola Jason

Are you from Milton Keynes or you now me?

Take no notice he is from Barcelona

And nows nuthing, he also owns a pet hamster lookalike called Bazeel.
according to applicants C.V.Information. (non classified)
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Are you from Milton Keynes or you now me?

I worked with you erecting Milton Keynes' largest ever tube and fitting staircase.

I was the muppet with the coal miners helmet and the unused Algerian visa.
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