Method Statement & Risk Assessment


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2010
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Hi fella's & lasses I am need of a bit of help.

I have been told we have taken on a job for a demo contractor who is knocking down a building by a canal. Our job is to erect a protection type of roof over an existing tin sheet roof which is at low level to the building being demolished.

Now as a small streetwork firm we have tended not to do/need method statements & risk assessments but any needed I have done on my pc. I am a bit more concerned about this one though as it is a demo job and that it is by a canal.

Could anybody help out with info I should be putting in my documents as I have done some but i feel like i a really struggling.

Also I know that many people have bad feeling toward 'one man band' firms for obvious reasons etc... but I would like to say that for me it is not like that as I understand that you need to move with the times but it is not that easy as the gaffers son to do that as ultimately I ain't the gaffer.
im not 2 sure what is in your original docs pal if there generic u should be ok apart from the risk of the canal ie life jackets,life boat the general risk of disease from rats and so one pal hope this helps a bit
im not 2 sure what is in your original docs pal if there generic u should be ok apart from the risk of the canal ie life jackets,life boat the general risk of disease from rats and so one pal hope this helps a bit

Hardly generic then Dave!! :laugh:
you no wot i mean hes only got 2 paste the bits in to his original docs he must have them ready done
Hi fella's & lasses I am need of a bit of help.

I have been told we have taken on a job for a demo contractor who is knocking down a building by a canal. Our job is to erect a protection type of roof over an existing tin sheet roof which is at low level to the building being demolished.

Now as a small streetwork firm we have tended not to do/need method statements & risk assessments but any needed I have done on my pc. I am a bit more concerned about this one though as it is a demo job and that it is by a canal.

Could anybody help out with info I should be putting in my documents as I have done some but i feel like i a really struggling.

Also I know that many people have bad feeling toward 'one man band' firms for obvious reasons etc... but I would like to say that for me it is not like that as I understand that you need to move with the times but it is not that easy as the gaffers son to do that as ultimately I ain't the gaffer.

i always used to ask myself when i was unsure, should i really be doing this?
i always used to ask myself when i was unsure, should i really be doing this?

I totally agree mate. Working over a canal on a demolition job will require a lot of risk assessing and methodology.

You would also need to ensure for works over open water that as well as the standard fall prevention plan, a SERIOUS fall rescue plan was in place - and implemented!
email me same message on sure we have something that will help

You Got Mail!!!

Seriously my old man (Gaffer) thinks we can just write a few things on the back of a fag packet and just go do the job. I have only ever worked in this environment and even I know that it is wrong. I have done my part 2 etc.... and for some of the slaging that the training centres take on here I will say that they do give you the information but it is upto the individual to use it. I am trying but sometimes need help.
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You Got Mail!!!

Seriously my old man (Gaffer) thinks we can just write a few things on the back of a fag packet and just go do the job. I have only ever worked in this environment and even I know that it is wrong. I have done my part 2 etc.... and for some of the slaging that the training centres take on here I will say that they do give you the information but it is upto the individual to use it. I am trying but sometimes need help.

Well if you're not directly putting people to work then it's not your problem mate.

Just slash it up! :cool:
You Got Mail!!!

Seriously my old man (Gaffer) thinks we can just write a few things on the back of a fag packet and just go do the job. I have only ever worked in this environment and even I know that it is wrong. I have done my part 2 etc.... and for some of the slaging that the training centres take on here I will say that they do give you the information but it is upto the individual to use it. I am trying but sometimes need help.

Good on you Spunkywads26, I reckon you are at least trying to improve things your end, it is never easy dragging the old dinosaurs in to this brave new world of health and safety. I can't do anything to help on this particular case as we don't deal with demolition due to insurance restrictions and I'm sure scaffy will have you well covered by now but as a fellow proud one man band merchant I have a few documents for rams that would suit most situations. Should you feel the need pm me and I will help any way I can.
Hi fella's & lasses I am need of a bit of help.

I have been told we have taken on a job for a demo contractor who is knocking down a building by a canal. Our job is to erect a protection type of roof over an existing tin sheet roof which is at low level to the building being demolished.

Now as a small streetwork firm we have tended not to do/need method statements & risk assessments but any needed I have done on my pc. I am a bit more concerned about this one though as it is a demo job and that it is by a canal.

Could anybody help out with info I should be putting in my documents as I have done some but i feel like i a really struggling.

Also I know that many people have bad feeling toward 'one man band' firms for obvious reasons etc... but I would like to say that for me it is not like that as I understand that you need to move with the times but it is not that easy as the gaffers son to do that as ultimately I ain't the gaffer.
Here is health warning re-working near a canal or such like environment. SYMPTONS OF WEIL'S DISEASE. As suffered by a water superintendent aged 31 who caught the disease. Day one. 0700 First spot noticed on chest, a non irriating red blotch. 0830. 70% of body covered in spots, merging together (dark red colour) 0900. Went to doc, told it was just a rash. 10.00. Went to bed feeling sickly, felt he was getting flu, shivers, convulsions. Wife phoned doc 3 times, would'nt come for something as trivial as a rash.22.00. Temperature now 104 degrees, called different doc immediately admitted to hospital. 22.45. Put into issolation ward, remained for 4 weeks. DAY SIX. Temperature still over 100 degrees. DAY EIGHT. First indication it could be Weil's disease. DAY ELEVEN. Skin on entire body peeling off, this lasted for 3 weeks. He lost his sight for 4 days and every year since he has to go for liver biopsy. The disease has left him with a form of arthritis, an can no longer participate in sports. The doc who treated him in hospital told him, if he had not been admitted to hospital when he was, he would have died.........Based on the above, A serious risk assesment should be carried out if your working in an environment where there is likely to be rats present. Starting with proper protective clothing, proper washing facilities etc.
Its as i said yesterday just had it confirmed mate as long as u provide the tool box talks for i.e life jackets and the risk of the rats u should b fine pal
Once the Method Statement & Risk Assessment are out of the way you will need to make sure that your liability insurance policy covers work by canals and on demo sites (high risk locations).
this is the real beauty of this forum, its the sense of unity and great advice that we're all willing to share, regarding the OP's question to be honest Im in the same boat, I work for my oldman, who's been in this game 50 years and is immune or a closed book when it comes to HSE issues, don't get me wrong our work is really tidy with a sense of pride and well erected etc. But his argument is and justified if we followed or worked to the best industry practises is that we would be bunkrupt within 6 months, he does have a point, down here in Bournemouth it's cut throat, step ups advance guard rail systems would slow us down to such an extent that we would not be competitive. No other local contractor is using these systems so why should we put ourselves at a disadvantage?

My advice is pm those who have the relevent additions to your risk assement and method statement and give em a big thumbs up.
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