method statement and risk assessment


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
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hi lads... I have just started my own firm and a client of mine has requested method statement and risk assessment for independant scaffold to be erected. was wondering is there any where you can buy generic ones that can be used or would they heve to be job specific and if so what would you include... any advice would be greatfully appreciated
Identify your hazards,then write in your controls to eliminate or reduce the risk,such as other workers walking into the area whilst you are working.....solution,barriers with signage,each job has it's own set of dangers,hence site specific rams.
Smudge your £50 sounds competitive
I'll have one
Just send me your bank details so I pay it directly into your account mate:blink1:
we just use the same one and alter it each time .most are pretty much the same

i was gonna say there bounty to be a generic 1 that does cover about 75% of jobs mind the steps down to the property on 1 mind the steps up to the property on another how do you do rams for building sites as there constantly changing 1 day ya basing out and there might be service holes dug the next day you might be baws height;) is sludge hpow do you attack the site rams
cover all possibilties on that site
so it would be a sort of generic 1 for that site as a pose to different scaffolds on the site needing different rams to be honest allan never seen 1 lol but i do believe comen sense prevails on this topic unless on chem plant
They are supposed to be site and task specific Marra , but once you get a few formatted they are easily adapted to suit almost any site .
site management systems written to suit youir needs although I charge more than £50 . Apply within :D
I have now changed the link Downloads - The Scaffolder : The Scaffolder for RAMS.
PS while we are all taking money i also "jazz" up RAMS for other scaffolding firms. but, the one on my site can be chopped to suit most and if anything extra is needed im sure that someone on here will be more than willing to help.
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