me myself and i


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
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As you all know been having a time at the moment with the nvq fratured wrist and job hunting!Still working at the moment but looking to fly soon, but its only me and i know scaffs usually work in two or threes normally?Dont get me wrong happy to have a job but i need to earn better money and get more experiance.So my question is it harder to work alone or is it better in a gang if i was to venture out ther thanks lads:)
Bolo. Not many jobs in scaffolding you can do on your own, unless your just basing out, or small adaptions, or guardrails. The gear usually has to be carried, pulled up and erected, you would'nt earn anything on your own. Scaffolding is not a one man job.
i think if you work alone weather its jobbing daywork etc over a period of time you will begin to lose the team element of working so when you rejoin a gang you find you dont like being told what to do or people seem to get in your way,work proper mate settle into a gang routine.
Just remembered Tubular can put up 20 sq on his own by lunch time, he's the one to ask.
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