Mac Scaffolding London/ South

It's alright if you can put up with Gary Greene, like getting knocked and snagging all there top scaffs price work
Heard today that they are paying 180 a day for 8 hours for advanced scaffs with a nebosh general cert
It's alright if you can put up with Gary Greene, like getting knocked and snagging all there top scaffs price work
There's a name I never hoped to see again. This person thinks all scaffolders are scum. And yeah, he'll find any stupid reason to knock you. Oh, and hi everyone this is my first forum post!
Is this the Gary Greene that was working for Hadley a few years ago?
The Gary Greene were talking about looks like half man half unicorn, with that massive lump on the end of his nose. Found his brother to be the better one out of the two and I think he can't stand Gary either!!
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