LP Flare-dismantle ongoing as u look-on :)

Kevin Smith

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
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can u see this pic?



dont give the bad scaffs the viewing pleasure, show what the real guys do :)
the ladders are only tied once and i can see at least 3 toeboards missing :eek:

the phrase a fecking shambles comes to mind.
then again with a nepalese and indian workforce you probably got it built by 30 men for the same price as that front and back allscaff posted;)
Reminds me of that song we used to sing
"Working on a chain gang" lolo
Fcuk handballin all thet steel up
The disicion to do it in so called taptap was- the crane was on stand-by everytime they lift a section on the derrick they were waiting for the access to the top of that section so they could lift the next- therefore cuplock is the easiest and quickiest of the material we have available :) and the less time the men are up there the less time they are exposed to the hazards
show me were you want to get to
send the gear whatever it is and i will get you there,
and no i dont need it on my fecking card im a fecking scaffolder is the equipment classed as scaffolding well lets go;)
112m of Alimak and tube and fitting beam access to joints of new build jack-up legs.
Proud as punch


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my point to real scaffs was reference to the unsafe & bad workmanship pics of scaffold that are being posted..............rather be viewing and admiring jobs like this or mspence, regardles of the material used or technical difficulty- as long as its safe and sufficent to carry out the job its requested for- we are all happy when we collect the penniies :)

my hobby is phtography to :) Flickr: KevinPaulSmith's Photostream
112m of Alimak and tube and fitting beam access to joints of new build jack-up legs.
Proud as punch

Reminds me of one we did for Noble when they extended a jack ups legs. Except we scaffolded the existing legs and also scaffolded the extensions that were lifted in to place. Devil of a job keeping the rain out for the welding.
we all knew what you meant kevin you dont have to justifie yourself on here
but as we all know there always has and will be a wee bit of snobbery as regards t&f and system;)

i have a cracker on my phone of a spliced frame scaffold outside the hotel in KSA which would put most to shame i will try and upload it
if i can be arsed:eek:
The UK has always and will still continue to turn out some of the best scaffolders and scaffolding brains in the World.
The reason a lot of the foreign "Showpiece" jobs we see are erected by foreigners is simply because they're cheap.
We also turn out some crap as some of the photos posted on here prove..

Pukka job M.Spence
i have worked on some really complex and ingenious works but alas i never bothered to take a photo
the armadillo in glasgow was all tubing and at an offset angle which after 2 lifts you lost the inside legs.This was mirrored on the other side and met in a bridge at 150ft and more and everyone fell in place.Thic happened on at least 10 ridges.All the scaffs usually went to the boozer at lunch and harnesses werent wore im starting to sound like derek here:eek:
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