Low rates of pay


Active member
Aug 4, 2010
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Whilst looking on jobcentre website I noticed quite a few posts paying £8 ph and some under?... have things really got that bad? :worried:
Nope things ain't got that bad, you just have some robbing Bast.ards every now and then who try it on. You'll only get a glorified labourer for that price.
I know it's wrong turning work down if anyone is on dole,but there is NO WAY i would work for that,we r not back in eightys!
If you think thats bad i had a email last month lookin for a advanced scaff for £6.25 an hour in glasgow robin fuckers everywhare
I know it's wrong turning work down if anyone is on dole,but there is NO WAY i would work for that,we r not back in eightys!

like u say, hard to turn work down but think I rather be skint than let these robbing sods take me for a mug.

Much work about back in old Blighty? mite be comin home soon
seems to be plenty of work about
tell me about it mate done a 7 days got npo time for my weekend then don a 12 and a half hour day for an extra 20 2quid on my day rate so the answer is yep it is that bad aint been scaffolding that long but i know wen im havin the piss took out of me
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