I know a couple of firms in west yorkshire ( elland nr halifax ). May be a bit far too travel everyday for ya. Cos your near the power stations it may be worth giving the firms a ring doing the shutdowns and new builds.
Cant help with no's but if you look on one of the threads titled power stations you may get some luck.
Not only the Scottish ate the English try the welsh Irish an the rest of the feckin world mate not everything you hear about the Scottish men is true I have worked along side of them for years they give the banter back just as much as we give it try working in Dublin now there is a rare breed of folk they ate their own shadow that's why when I was over there for Hertel I nailed as many Irish women as possible and so did most other scaffs when Wyeth was in fool swing and wasn't shy about letting the locals know about it all you have to remember is where ever you are working and there is a hundred men on that job there will be a thousand slags to serve the men LeeLee be a storm in every port
And always take precautions when nailing slags always hide you driving licence cus you don't want the csa knocking on your door for money for a sprogg.lol