Look health & safety does work

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Today we have all seen the shocking pictures of the earthquake in Japan and the after math with the MASSIVE tidal wave that happened afterwards.
What knightmare pictures have been shown and I hope I speak on behalf of everybody on here by saying our thoughts are with you all.


scaffolding safety services.
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I can only concur with your sentiments SSS, but not sure what health & safety has to do with the reduced death toll to date. This particular event is 2 to 3 times weaker than 2004.
going off the subject abit pal, Working @ heigths injuries are the major caurse of fatalities of British workers???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

However it is generaly Roofers & other trades that make up these statistics Scaffolders are the safest!!! & least injured "but lets not be complacent"
early warning signs for a force of nature dont fall under health and safety you cant fully predict the time place or strength of these things
we had a small earthquake at folkstone in 2007 when i rang me parents up they thought i was winding them up the street firms in folkstone had a good run of chimney stack repairs for a while
so all the safety signage and warning systems have not saved lives then AOM? May I remind you health and safety is not just scaffolders its EVERYBODY in the entire world.

Calm down calm down, there was more than me wondering the point you were making. I'm not saying these systems save life, the point I am making is you are comparing apples and oranges due to the strength of both events, that's all.
its the same as when aom plays golf you need a early warning system when he hits the ball ive heard lol!!!
who said HSE was only for scaffolders , you are talking about 2 totally different disasters you cant compare the statistics like that because less have been killed in Japan dont mean that early warning systems prevented more deaths , and that death toll will rise massively over the coming weeks as lack of fresh water , medication ,food etc etc takes its affect
Got to be honest dico, not sure they have the technology to warn unsuspecting ramblers when I hit the ball.:eek:
It's a bit like during WW2, when the Germans fired the British ducked, when the British fired the Germans ducked but when the daft yanks fired every feker ducked.:embarrest:
I think you might be right, although this time I couldn't really blame them for being a bit trigger happy as they don't know or can't prove who the enemy is until they open fire. Faced with these circumstances I think I would be tempted to shoot first and ask questions later.
Nightmare Andy, were you there for long?
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