

Mar 30, 2010
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Orite lads, was wondering if any 1 could help me out? We are a sqaud of 3 part 2's was looking to go down to london to get some half decent money, Sick of getting paid sh** does any1 no if thers plenty of work to be had down there and if so whats the average rate?

Any Reply would be much apreciated!

hello Mike there is quite a lot of work here at the moment average rate for advanced is around £120-£140 a day basic is around £90-£100 a day but no ones sure how long its gonna last mate , if you do come down good luck :)
thanks for the reply m8

---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------

sorry m8 do you think it will be easy to find work when i get there and is there alot of overtime on offer?
theres work down here mate,most firms arnt taking on direct though using agencys,sum good sum bad.part2 youl get your15 an hour,advance 16-16.50,good luck pal.
cheers m8 wheres the place to be in london are digs hard to come by and at what rate a week can you get them?
Not long back from there m8, a lot of the jobs like already said are with agencies and i'm sure they are using CVs for toilet paper.
At least your not flying solo so digs wise there's a few options open but i'd strongly recommend getting a start sorted out first before you head down.
The money is much the same as anywhere now m8 and a lot easier to spend (just ask one of the slappers off tottenham court road:embarrest:).
so to sum it up try kent or sohampton or plymouth or portsmouth
Unless you have a guarantee of weekend work (unlikely as firms will look after their regular lads first) its a waste of time you need the weekends to cover the expenses . As The Heid says sort a start out before you travel and beware of agencies offering long runs of work, they will say anything just to get you on site knowing fine well the job is only for a few days .
hiya lads,BOW are looking for men in london 02072816777/07958367166 if you are wanting work down there (gulmanda)
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