
Are you signed up, Ian? Just interested really... if you are, why are you?
somene I know sent me an invite, thought it might be good for a bit of networking:D
networking for work? Yes but I also think, for you, get a twitter account too.

BUT with any of these things, you have to maintain them, be active. It takes a while to get things going, to get used to butting in on convos and making others realise that you are "accessable".

As a new business there's other things you can do to get noticed ;)
better tax is on here , facebook , twitter all at same time 24/7 i think, so ian there advice maybe worth listening to, i cant keep up with them :laugh:
:laugh: Don't challenge me to a post off!! I'm really good at flitting from here to there to here - and back again!! :)
my problem is i like my bed too much on a wkend and me an celtics challange was a wkend so by time i actually got onto forum awake celtic had already had his porridge an was well on his way to winning the challenge. since then and because of this depression of a recession an the cold dark days an nights you will have noticed my post count has gone down because my bed count has gone up, im like a grizzly bear i hibernate :nuts:

we dont have BST in sweaty land super,if any consolation you were a terrific opponent well worthy of your two points lol.ill let you get back to your zzzzzzzzzzs ma son nite nite.
I think this puts me on the same count as superscaff:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Doctor, Doctor. I think I am addicted to Twitter!!

- I'm sorry I don't follow you.
A word to the wise, XxIanxX - DO NOT post that joke as your first tweet!!!:blink1:
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