LinkedIn - The future of finding work and professional Networking.



Evening fellas.

Ive been on this site called LinkedIn for a few weeks now and find it really useful if your looking to work abroad or change your job, say from a Scaffolder to Safety Advisor and stuff like that.

Its basically an online CV and professional Networking site.

I think that in this current climate, being part of BOTH the Scaffolders Forum and this LinkedIn can only help to get your foot in as many doors as you can and try to broaden your work horizons as much as possible. ;)

I highly recommend it and its FREE upto 700 or so 'connections' or people added to your account.
700 connections is ALOT, anyway.

Theres a few others from the Forum whos also on it, including myself and many many hundreds who are directly or indirectly involved in Scaffolding.

Theres Scaffolders, Building Managers, Scaffolding Foremen, Safety Inspectors, Construction Directors, Recruiters, and more.
Is there anyone else whos on it, who wants to add myself or others here...? :idea: So we can connect and help each other find work (should we need it) and swap contacts and stuff?? :cool:

Just thought id throw it out there, lol.

Yes I'm on it but I haven't really had the time to explore it fully yet. Looks like a good site though. :cheesy:
Linkedin is used heavily by recruiters to network. More of a B2B (business to business) site but very good as you say Jason for international stuff.

I have about 380 connections at the moment and nearly all are Scaffold connected. (You included sir . . thank you!)

Feel free to connect to me and look at my connection - might give someone a bit of inspiration on who to contact to for work and the likes -

Good luck!
Can someone tell me how to get on it. In need of a job and anything new is a help
Go to:

Register for free and make a profile page up.
Its not that hard and all you have to do is follow the hints your given.

But... its NOT a site to find work like: "I need Scaffolders ASAP" - and you get a job by tomorrow, its a sight where you add your details and your CV/experience and then 'connect' with certain people and and then after a while, you might be approached for a job or there could be a job offered.

Its NOT a job site.
Its a Networking site.

Something to help you progress your working career and make professional friends/contacts.
Something to use in conjuction with other things like this Forum.
I have been on it for a while too but just can't take too it. I don't mind people I know or met on here but most of my connections are people I have never heard off. I don't really get it to be honest.
I have been on it for a while too but just can't take too it. I don't mind people I know or met on here but most of my connections are people I have never heard off. I don't really get it to be honest.

.Add me aom, scaffolding safety awarenes its all kicking off :D
I have been on it for a while too but just can't take too it. I don't mind people I know or met on here but most of my connections are people I have never heard off. I don't really get it to be honest.

no were your comeing from aom :laugh:
Been regestered with linkdin for some time now, but do find a small number of people are continually posting garbage which lets them down - wish they would find somthing constructive to occupy their day.
Been regestered with linkdin for some time now, but do find a small number of people are continually posting garbage which lets them down - wish they would find somthing constructive to occupy their day.

I know what you mean.
I myself try to post random stuff each day - like a blogg if you know what i mean, lol.

Most of it is rubbish, but hey ho - shows im active and friendly. :)
Useless at Scaffolding... but friendly, at the least, lol.
Hang on this is the forum for fun. LinkedIn is not advisable after 12 Stella's.
Hang on this is the forum for fun. LinkedIn is not advisable after 12 Stella's.

Quite, lol!

LinkedIn is more professional and erm... business like.
Posting stuff on there when your drunk will NOT help your future employment opportunites.

Where here, its more relaxed and we can chat utter shiite all day and not much is said. :p

I know i do, rofl. :D
I have applied for a couple of jobs abroad lately and the recruitment agencies kept asking me to join.

Must have another look
I have applied for a couple of jobs abroad lately and the recruitment agencies kept asking me to join.

Must have another look

I would.
In this day and age, with the work being as scarce as it is, we all need as many fingers in as many pies as possible.

If you haven't got one - get a CV typed up, it takes bascially no time at all and once its done, all you have to do is once every 3 months, keep it upto date with what your doing at that time.
How many Scaffolders have actual CV's? ---> Very few.

If you dont send your CV out - start and send as many as you can.
How many have a CV, but rarely can be arsed to send it ---> Loads...

More CV's sent = More chance of getting work.

I have my CV set in PDF format already, with all my tickets scanned into the PDF containing the CV also - its all colour coded to make it as easy as possible to read.
The CV has 'hyperlinks' to this Forum and my LinkedIn page - again making things as easy for the reader as possible.
Its also totally 100% identical to the info on my LinkedIn page, again making things easier for who ever reads both my CV and my online CV via LinkedIn.

In short... its pukka. :cool:
(Also, all that gibberish i just said you can look on Gooooooogle for online CV tips and they can explain it far better then i can.)

Giving myself as much a chance as i can to get work, or get offered a real nice little number. ;)

People appreciate things like that, yanno.
Looks professional and if you take the time (about a few hours all in all) to prepare a decent CV, then your work ethic and quality should also be the same - in theory.

Its balanced out too.
According to my CV/LinkedIn - im Albert Einstien, according to my posts here - im a crazy nutcase! :D
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