level 2 portfolio


New member
Oct 11, 2012
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hello, i am currently going through my part 2 portfolio and i am really struggling with the questions is there any sites/books i can get help from because they may as well be in a foreign language
Pablo, what questions are you struggling with exactly? It's not that hard if you just break it down to simple terms one page at a time. It's just evidence they are looking for.
Get ur charge hand to sit down with u one evening an maybe he will guide u through the questions that's wat I did for my mate I talked him through it all an got him to give me the answers
to be honest i have just scanned over the first few, and i have just came to a stand still before i have even started, thanks for your advice lads ill try both methods
Jus do a bit each nite spend an hour a night an before u know it mate u would of finished if u try to tackle it all at once it may become a bit of a headf@ck
Is it not just dates and job types?
Aye usually me and usually the day before it has to be in or they won't get the card.:mad:
Send it to Harness, she will do you a cracker.:eek:
ahah new it was a fella right form the off lol, aye but the evidanc there wanting is like job sheets inductions risk assesements method statments not just pis any more well thats how i under stood it got a questionaie i think you need to do on the day but got the answer sheet not that i need it lol copying my portfolio to send to anothewr member so he can compare svq n nvq. and had a think aom about you base plate crakc and all base plates are the same weather or not its on soft ground or hard ground its the sole bad thats differs (this is true unless you ment sole pad and not base plate ) lol
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