Lets get great back into britain


steve gregory

even if its rough at the minute...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN9EC3Gy6Nk]YouTube - British Anthem, God Save the Queen (with lyrics)[/ame]

LETS LIVE IN HOPE BOTHERS.. bet the old cow dunt see this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_ROlkMOL9s]YouTube - Land of Hope and Glory *with lyrics*[/ame]
God save the queen Love it, katie perry couldnt make me stand more erect as i was listening to that:bigsmile:Bring back patriotism.
For all our boys and girls in Afghanistan "WE ARE PROUD OF YOU "

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq6DSALpduI]YouTube - Proud to be English[/ame]
Is There No Scottish,Welsh Or Northern Irish Squaddies Out In Afghanistan Good Buddy Only English?
Is There No Scottish,Welsh Or Northern Irish Squaddies Out In Afghanistan Good Buddy Only English?

No offence intended mate of course there are Irish Scottish and Welsh regiments in Afghanistan doing equally as good a job , but the point is that England seems to be the only country where you are not allowed to be patriotic anymore as it offends some fundamentalist group or other.

Last year there was talk of banning St Georges day celebrations in case it offended someone.

Everyone has the right to be proud of where they are born :)
If I Came Over As A Pendantic Tosser I Apologise There Was No Offence Intended Of Course Everyone Has That Right And I Couldnt Agree More We Should Have More Pride In This Tolerant Great Nation Of Ours Im Hacked Off With The Politically Corect Brigade As Much As Every One Else, So Why Dosnt Anyone Say Anything?
If I Came Over As A Pendantic Tosser I Apologise There Was No Offence Intended Of Course Everyone Has That Right And I Couldnt Agree More We Should Have More Pride In This Tolerant Great Nation Of Ours Im Hacked Off With The Politically Corect Brigade As Much As Every One Else, So Why Dosnt Anyone Say Anything?

It's because these days if you are patriotic you are basically seen as being racist!

The world has gone mad!
I think everyone feels the same mate what we need is a strong man to rise up and say NO if you dont like it here then fu*k of , but the trouble is no matter what you say some ars*hole will jump all over you calling you a racist or a sexist i am just so relieved that all my children have left school as our Christian faith is becoming a thing of the past and that seems to be where it all starts from.
At the end of the day Great Britain is Christian and has been for hundreds of years so why do we bow down to people who dont like it , i have no problem with people of different faiths or race live and let live , but dont come here and try and change us we been happy for hundreds of years thanks
Couldnt Put It Better Myself philliosmaximus,Well Said ,Britain Is A Protestant Country But Like I Said We Are Maybe Too Tolerant Personally I Dont Care If You Pray To The Sun,Moon Or High Heeled Shoes Just Dont Try To Tell Me What Im Doings Wrong
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