laid off pay ?


Oct 28, 2010
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hi, can anyone advise

i'm a paye scaffolder, have been laid off all week due to freezing conditions, my employer doesn't want to take the risk of us slipping and then trying to claim compensation from him

am i entitled to any pay

There's been a few threads like this in the past couple of day's with varying answers, Paddy included a page with all relevant legislation depending on wither your on a blue book site or not.

Personally I got about 2 day's from the boy's this week, most of Monday and 7hrs on Wednesday. I knocked them off all day Tuesday and the rest of the time was spent messing around in the yard and home before 1 o'clock. They will get 39hrs minimum for this not because I'm a good guy but because they have put in a lot of extra work lately as we have been really busy up till now, and there will be a backlog of work to clear when this finally disappears.
Same here, we got 2 days work done, Mon and Tue, been off the last 3 days. Will be paying the lads. Decent bunch of lads, if we have to catch up we will.
On the face of it I would say you are entitled to your 39 hours

BUT and this is where the problems begin, A lot of the guaranteed payments are based on you presenting yourself at your normal place of work and be available to work.

The legislation is written to apply to all in the UK, shops, offices, factories and many other places of work.The construction industry has it's own issues of inclement weather that do not apply to the workers that are employed "indoors"

Inclement weather payments are normally laid down by company to company and union to union agreements. I may be wrong but I think you have to be available for work at your place of work or other place instructed by your employer for all the hours that you expect to be paid for

I have been self employed for many years and have always had to go without payment if I was unable to work for any reason.Others on here may be of more assistance in clarifying the matter
I'm expecting 21hrs next week, anything else would be a bonus... =2 days work + 5hrs stand-down time..
We pay our lads 8 hours if we cannot put them to work for any reason. They don't get travel or lodge money though if they don't work.

I think that's fair, but I'm unsure about the actual legalities of the situation you're in.
at the end of the day if your entitled to some thing or not , if you pressure for it you will be the first paid off . we all know its wrong but its true . i was on a site in hebburn today just outside newcastle and palmers were also on the job . all of there lads were from teeside . today they were told that because the site has been closing early due to the bad weather they were no longer getting paid travel . i have never actually worked for palmers properly but was on a placement with them for a few weeks when i was a kid.i have always been told they were a good firm to work for but this is surely taking the pi$$ . didnt they still travel there . did santa drop them off in his sledge . most of them walked off the job which is exactly what i would have done , but whats the chances of getting a start some where this month.the firm i work for paid off arguably there best scaffolder 3 weeks ago because he spoke up for himself and the rest of us . scaffolders have all gone relations and cock suckers are still here . i am not related "oh fook"
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