lads ,has anyone had the experience of having to be a subcontractor


Dec 5, 2010
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hi all,well had a start on a job just acouple of days work,to then find out i had to register with sterling cis to get paid,what a night mare,...........
is it worth it i ask myself,having to register as self employed just to get my 2 days pay which isnt much .any advice would be welcome.
i am still phoning for offshore work daily ,i got paid off from cape at christmas its been dead as far as work goes so does that leaves us vunerable to these agencies that pay crap money and that you have to be selfemployed through sterling to get your money,and then i find out sterling take £23 pr week admin costs out of your money. thanks
Am with cis stirling pal, but av always been a sub contractor

If its 2 days work you prob won't make enough to get the full £23 took of you but you'll still get about £16 I'd imagine

The bad thing is if you've never been self employed you won't have a UTR number which means you'll get taxed 30% instead of 20%, you'll then have to claim that extra 10% back off the tax man

Good thing is you won't get NI took off you, your expected to pay that yourself, it only works out about £2.60 a week

Contact better tax on this, they'll be able to direct you better

thanks ,i have a utr number from 2006 ,when working for cape we had the fill in self assement yearly.
will i be able to use that number as i have not done a self assement return since 2006 as tax office said i didnt need to fill them in anymore,thanks
Thats fine then mate, that UTR number is yours for life, you'll be able to use that, just make sure you let the agency and cis stirling know you have it as I said they'll tax you 30% if you dont, same thing happened to my brother last week

thanks will,i have to email the sterling cis forms to agency ,i have put the utr number on it.
Am with cis stirling pal, but av always been a sub contractor

If its 2 days work you prob won't make enough to get the full £23 took of you but you'll still get about £16 I'd imagine

The bad thing is if you've never been self employed you won't have a UTR number which means you'll get taxed 30% instead of 20%, you'll then have to claim that extra 10% back off the tax man

Good thing is you won't get NI took off you, your expected to pay that yourself, it only works out about £2.60 a week

Contact better tax on this, they'll be able to direct you better

make sure with your national insurance you top it up £2.60 sounds great but if your unfortunate to come out of work you wont get nothing off jobseekers has you havent payed enough national insurance the only time i needed to get help was last year and i wasnt intitled to nothing as i didnt paye enough national insurance even though i payed every week for months and put thosands into the system over the years good luck anyway str3tchy!!!

thanks i didnt know you could top the nat insurance contribs i will defo look into that .
Hi dljn,

Couple of things I noticed that might be useful to you:
Sadly, you've probably got no choice except to go with Stirling because that's what the employer wants (probably beacuse the employer doesn't want to fall foul of IR35) - However the good news is that Stirling's charges are a legitimate expense against your income for you.

You say that you had to submit returns every year when you with cape and then HMRC said you didn't need to submit returns after that... That did get me wondering if you had claimed all the expenses you could have, I'm guessing there is probably a rebate from the tax office in there somewhere amongst those years.

With regards dico's comment about NI, with the self employed you are subject to two charges of NI (namely class 2 & class 4) the class two is what the guys are talking about here - that is quite a nominal charge, the class 4 is charged as a percentage of profit - less your personal allowence at a further 8%. Unfortunately dico somebody had not been advising you well and I'm sorry that you found yourself in a situation where when you genuinely needed some assistance from the state - the state let you down... this is because of the class 4 contributions not being right.... a bit rough on the working man if you ask me:unsure:

i used a firm called MMC Management, they were brilliant to be honest, all my expesnse came off my tax and if you had receipts you could claim for, £12 a day for food and £23 with receipts also petrol expenses ect think they charged me £23 a week but when i was doing it i was paying 2 lots of national insurance.

its entirely upto you wich firm you choose to go through, it was for me anyway,

MMC Management Umbrella Specialist Wirral Merseyside thats there link dont know if anything ive said is eaven relevant tbh LOL ;)

Edit, **not all my expenses lol duhh a percentage**
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i used a firm called MMC Management, they were brilliant to be honest, all my expesnse came off my tax and if you had receipts you could claim for, £12 a day for food and £23 with receipts also petrol expenses ect think they charged me £23 a week but when i was doing it i was paying 2 lots of national insurance.

its entirely upto you wich firm you choose to go through, it was for me anyway,

MMC Management Umbrella Specialist Wirral Merseyside thats there link dont know if anything ive said is eaven relevant tbh LOL ;)

Edit, **not all my expenses lol duhh a percentage**

how many company's you got :laugh::laugh::laugh
lmao!!! grand total of zero lol Tubeular engineer me through and through hahahaha :D
make sure with your national insurance you top it up £2.60 sounds great but if your unfortunate to come out of work you wont get nothing off jobseekers has you havent payed enough national insurance the only time i needed to get help was last year and i wasnt intitled to nothing as i didnt paye enough national insurance even though i payed every week for months and put thosands into the system over the years good luck anyway str3tchy!!!

someones telling you fibs,false information,,you are entitled to jobseekers allowance even if you havent payed any ni contributions,,,

think its called income based, and you would get the minimum, round about 60 bangers a week
your quiet right hui5016, but heres the but!!! my wife worked over 24 hours so no job seekers not even income based i even took the last 2 years wage slips in unfortunatly the year they wanted was the tax year i was self employed and payed the minimum national insurance beats me why you paye 400 500 pound with national insurance when your paye and earning if you cant get help when you need it he ho britain for ya!!!
your quiet right hui5016, but heres the but!!! my wife worked over 24 hours so no job seekers not even income based i even took the last 2 years wage slips in unfortunatly the year they wanted was the tax year i was self employed and payed the minimum national insurance beats me why you paye 400 500 pound with national insurance when your paye and earning if you cant get help when you need it he ho britain for ya!!!

that,s a strange one,,and am not that clued up on d.w.p. stuff,,,their all jokers.

though i do know tradesmen that havent paid ni contributions for over 25 years,,,,and their getting just over 60 bangers a week just now.

whats the point,,n.i, is just another government taxation,,is it not????
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