Knife nut in Ealing common


Active member
May 17, 2011
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There i am happy as larry knocking down a street section of the job im running in Ealing and a f***ing proper nut job goes belting past us taking swipes at people with a knife in each hand.
If i could of been quicker i reckon i would have had a good chance with a 5ft but he went hairin past with our fire alarm engineer and his mates in tow, they caught the f***er and the rozzers said that they put themselves and the public at risk and could be prosicuted for holding him.
What about cheers you lads for detaining another of our crazed knife wielding w***ers that plaque this country.
This country has gone proper soft!

<You dont become a scaffolder, your born one>
Next time dump the body in a wheelie bin and don't tell the law.
How did they work that one out. He was obviously slashing at the public when they started chasing them so they were already in danger. You're right, the world is mucked up.
poor sod was only peeling potatoes and somebody nicked hes hanging basket can see how it looks thou lol!!
Remember some phyco attacking our lab with an axe, when he was passing up gear, the 5ft stopped him in his tracks:nuts:
Thought that was the point of heroes..putting themselves at risk to help others...what!!didnt know a medal can be won for doing nowt. Tho nothing surprises!!
Thought that was the point of heroes..putting themselves at risk to help others...what!!didnt know a medal can be won for doing nowt. Tho nothing surprises!!

As per another post on here, typical Police. If left to them nothing would have been done, not unless he got caught by a speed camera.
yet another sad enditement of the state this countrys got into.
were abouts were the polis when this was going on,if they are anything like strathclyde polis they turn up 3 hours after the incident and generally dont get out the car.
the lads who caught the winker will probably get 6 months for serious assault and wrongfull imprisonment,not to worry though they wont miss any of the pay per view boxing in their own hotel room thay now call prison cells:mad::mad:
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