K Render



What a nightmare.

Site wants no gap for brickies, inside board as close to the brickwork.

2-3 lifts then comes the adaptions for K render. Take the inside board out then have to lay a tube on the transoms inside the standard with clips to reduce the gap.

What idiot changed the minimum gap from 300-225mm!!

Leaning down to do the clips up is back breaking!!

hey we was ask to put inside singlehand and let render lean through what next .
I think it boils down to a lack of knowledge, most inspectors I have met are perfectly happy with some sort of service gap, plenty site managers are not sure what the law states so they just go over the score as they feel they are covered. Another point is, the roughcasters really needed quite a big gap to throw the stuff on to the wall but with that K-rend gear it's really just a smooth coat then rubbed off so the gap needed should really be quite small anyway.
Thats doggy ground as well, most sites require a double rail & toe board on the inside. If there is a fall thats the rules.

We have another site, timber frame, allowed the base gap to give a 5-6 inch gap from inside board to wall. Pulled everything else off to that point. Renderer not happy now have to remove the inside board & clip it to the standards as a toe board, no hand rails. Told client need it in writing & that hand over will state instruction given.

Too many site agents with little guideline booklets!

Want to reduce the gap but because they spray it on they don't want a rail in the way.

I told them create a permit to work, remove the inside board & then its classed as a serviceable gap! Then replace if any further work is required.

We're doing one now, toe board on inside on the base lift only, (no inside bd)the other 3 lifts have inside boards with 75mm gap, the world has gone freckin bonkers.
on a industrial job you would have a scaffolder allocated to the contractor if he had to be there for a week doing modifications or lifting boards so it would be i know this reflects in the price but thats what happens in the indusrial sector probably why the prices are skyhigh!!!
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