Hi Southernpoofter, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. What you say is perfectly correct and very good advice. I hope I didn't give the impression in my first post that I would know anything about scaffolding merely by reading the British Standards and TG20:08. If I had any such thought beforehand it's certainly been corrected by the reading I've done to date. What I'm looking into is modeling a scaffolding system in 3D, specifically in Autodesk Inventor, by treating the scaffold as a "machine". I understand from other posts on this forum that there are some scaffolders who find some difficulty in reading design drawings - creating a virtual model that can be animated may be of some help to them. Also, I'll be looking into whether Inventor's BOM can be used for estimation purposes and whether loads, wind forces can be simulated in the frame analysis environment. The design drawings as currently used can also be produced from within Inventor and rendered images produced for the client showing how a scaffold may impact on his building. Anyway thats all for now. Thanks again for your good advice and your kind welcome.