Just finished my part 1 nvq


New member
Aug 2, 2011
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Hi there everyone. I got 90% on my part 1 test today is that good or bad, I've been laboring since the beginning of march this year at the Olympic village in Stratford, east London. I've been trying to take in as much as I can and just take my time and think about what I'm doing . I'm a bit gutted because when I finished the test I didn't take Any time to go over it and I think I might have been able to get a better score .
I never like to be good I like to be excellent.
90% is very average in my humble opinion. Concentrate on being excellent on the guns and leave the nancy boy's to worry about the theory.:cool:
spot on aom
my boy has just come out of his time and he got 98%
i done a back and front for my mate and i wouldnt have give him 50% on the tools yet
but he was ok,

keep the %s for the spanner work
It's a fine line Jakdan, you do have to encourage them but letting them think they are super stars just because they can finally lace their own boots up is not on. Good to know you have the young gun with you, best training he will ever get.
Thanks for the advice lads, like what I read in another post I didn't know so much went into the theory side. I was stone fixing before I started in this game, I love the physical aspect of the job and Im s serious grafter that's why my gov put me through to do it. I'm working for a company called Benchmark.
Stick at it wrapitup, if you are what you say you are you will make a very good living for yourself for years to come. Listen to the older hands, ask if something is not crystal clear and whilst the theory is important the college stuff is child's play and the real theory comes when your doing complicated jobs with experienced men.
To answer your question is 90% good that depends on what you use as a benchmark. Where did you take your part one course, who was your tutor.
I know some of the tutors are known for teaching the exam, in other words they spend two week getting you to learn 50 answers.
at the the end of the course you dont really understand why that is the answer you just know it is & that was what you had to remeber.

If that sounds about right then 90% is a crap score as all you had to do was learn to recognise the right answer for what is 50 easy question as all the tests are multipul choise.
If you was taught via the module and by your taking notes, you needed to understand what the question was asking and understand the right answer in order to select it from the 4 options.
you must have got 10 wrong & depends on what they were and weather you got it wrong as you rushed to get finished or did not know the right answer.

Getting 10 wrong is average but it is still 20%.............almost a quater of the questions wrong, so You could have done a lot better if you had read the module and understood the reason for the answer.

After all its the trade you have decided to take up, so if you want to be better than the bloke next to you .... you have to put in more than he did.
I see lots of lads reading the sun or falling asleep in the class ,as that is where the tutors go on about borring stuff, like heath and safety rubbish and its just some bloke waffling on about stuff that none of the lads understand or care about, such as Kilonewtons, forces and how how to avoid working at height. Its just like being back at school & most scaffolders have already screwed that up

Remember you only get out what you put in...........

Out of intrest what did the bloke next to you score?
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I done my course with simian and we learnt from our module and taking notes not learning 50 questions. And I only got 5 questions wrong not 10 son . And I've only been in this game since march this year. And everyone I've spoke to said its good to know your theory then do your learning on site . You should be a teacher if you know so much
Well done on your Part 1 pass.

Only thing i will say is that to learn Scaffolding fully, you need to learn how to properly labour first. - 6 months total experience aint really enough time to properly learn how to labour, imo.

Theres far more to labouring then running about with gear on your shoulder - Same as theres far more to Scaffolding then doing a fitting up.

If you've only been Scaffolding since March this year, then while a Part 1 will give you a better chance of a job over the average guy, id still wait a good few years before i went for my Part 2.

Ofcourse, this is just a suggestion. :)
I done my course with simian and we learnt from our module and taking notes not learning 50 questions. And I only got 5 questions wrong not 10 son . And I've only been in this game since march this year. And everyone I've spoke to said its good to know your theory then do your learning on site . You should be a teacher if you know so much

Yeah don't know that I was thinking there...I meant 5 wrong guess I was rushing and made a silly error.........Think I would know better.:amuse:
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